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"I'm gonna puke, ughhh."

Me and Clay had been babysitting George and Nick for the past half an hour now. We expected everything by now, but still weren't prepared for George's words.

"Puke in my mouth, babyyy!" Nick lifted up his foot to pet George's shoulder with it, as he wasn't sober enough to sit up and do it properly.

"Why did you drink?" Clay's been asking this question for the 100th time now.

"Becauseee," George's eyes couldn't stay concentrated on the person he was talking to, "because Liz kissed me."

I felt my face heating from his words. I was scared to look at Clay, let alone hear what George had to say about this whole thing and probably make it worse. All was left to do was just hope that George wouldn't say anything more stupid and trigger everyone in the room.

"And what about it?" Clay asked calmly.

This could go wrong in so many ways.

"Clay, he's literally drunk-"

I tried to stop him but George started speaking.

"And Nick told me.. what did you tell me, Nick?" George was barely forming sentences.

And now my anxiety levels were rocketing, looking at Nick with hopeful eyes, praying for a normal answer.

"I told him that Liz likes Clay and Clay likes Liz so George is fucked cause Clay doesn't like it when Liz likes others."

I put way too much effort into trying to understand Nick's sentence, but when I did, I let go of a relieved sigh. I think I expected something worse.

"Good job, Nick. You told him good." Clay really went there and praised a drunk person for their actions, "So why did you drink, George?"

I wanted him to stop asking questions to a literal wasted guy who could change so many things with words that he didn't even mean. Clay was trying to fish the something out of George's mouth, try to understand how he was feeling about the situation. And I just knew for a fact that his main goal was trying to find out if George likes me or not.

"Cause it made me very sad." George pouted.

"Why?" Clay raised a brow.

"Because I didn't mean to ruin my best friends' relationship and make them hate me."

We all expected a different answer to be fair. And we didn't expect such a reaction too.

George's bottom lip started quivering. What in the world-

"And I didn't mean to annoy Lizzy!"

And he started sobbing.

As bad as I felt for him, I had to turn around to not hurt his feelings and force a straight face. Am I a bad person for finding a 24 year old emotional drunk hilarious?

"Aaawww maannn, don't cryy!" Nick tried to sit up and wipe George's tears, but failed miserably and fell right back down, hitting his head to the arm of the couch.

And that's when Clay started wheezing, not even bothering to hide it and triggering George's tears even more.

"H-he's just making fun of m-me!" His tears were so genuine yet so funny, I had no idea what to do.

And let's ignore the part when Nick put his foot up once again to try to wipe George's tears with his socks. Too bad George slapped it down.

"IS THIS WHAT YOU WANTED?" The power in Nick's voice was enough to pop eardrums. He'd lose his voice if he didn't stop screaming like that, "YOU MADE HIM CRY!"

It could be from the alcohol or the sobbing, but George warned us that he was about to throw up. Clay helped him to get to the bathroom and stayed there for quite a while, as I heard the disgusting noises of George letting it all out.

I was sensitive to things like that, so I decided to let Clay take care of him while I took a seat on the corner of the couch to take care of Nick if he needed it.

"Hey mamas." There was something funny in his half-broken voice and drunk smile.

"Hi Nick." I held back the smile and tried to stay as serious as I could to see what he was trying to say.

"You look very beautiful tonight." His smile was so hilarious, I didn't know what was about it that made me crack up.

"Thank you. You look beautiful as always." I watched the biggest smile appear on his face as I said those words.

"What- really?" The sparkle in his bloodshot eyes was so adorable, it made my heart flutter.

"Of course!" I leaned to grab one of the glasses of water me and Clay set for them and offered him to drink, "C'mon, you need to finish this."

He took the water with shaky hands and spilled half of it on his hoodie, but still proceeded to drink the rest. When he was done I put the glass back.

"Nooo, I'm weeet," he started whining, "haha, that sounds funny."

I chuckled at his stupidity and got a towel for him, patting the hoodie dry as much as I could even though the stain was massive. He said a little "thank you" when I finished, which I could swear was the most adorable thing I've heard come out of his mouth.

"I was wondering.." He started to speak but never finished.

"Wondering what?" I encouraged him to go on.

"Today you said that you'd kiss George, fuck me and marry Clay," not this again, "and now that you've kissed George, when are you going to fuck me?"

I swear to god his drunk thoughts didn't even differ from his sober thoughts. This is something he would say without even a single drop of alcohol in his veins, and the only difference was that his words sounded a bit slurred now.

"Right before I marry Clay," I smiled, "never."

I think he didn't even get the joke. He nodded with a confused face.

I grabbed another glass of water and helped him out with it this time, "Here, drink this."

He gulped the water without questioning it. I liked how obedient he was being. He's an easy drunk to take care of.

Unlike George who was throwing up and sobbing while hugging the toilet seat and saying sorry to Clay for ruining his relationship with me.

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