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My mom kept me on my phone for actual hours. I didn't want to tell her that I was sick, but my voice sounded distorted enough for her to notice and start ranting. And while she was at it, Clay had just enough time to wake up completely and shower. And even dry himself up and get dressed while I was convincing my mom to finally say goodbye and hang up.

"Oh my god, do I sound that bad?" I hung up, looking at Clay as he dried his hair with a towel.

"You sound like an old lady with chronic bronchitis that smokes 5 packs a day and inhales cat hair on daily basis."

I scrunched up my nose trying to understand where the hell did that come from.

"Well that's weirdly specific." And it also took him almost no time to come up with that description.

"Yeah, you sound like my aunt way too much."

I laughed, shaking my head at how stupid he could be sometimes and waited for him to get on the bed with me. As he did, he pulled me from my ankle to relocate me on the mattress in a way that he could lay his head down on my chest and wrap both arms around me - his new favorite position to be in.

Even though his cheek was the main thing pressing to my chest, the damp strands of his hair still brushed against my neck, making me annoyed.

"Noo, your hair's wet!" I tried to get away, but it only made him get more clingy.

"Bet it's not the only thing w- ouch!" He couldn't finish his sentence. I got annoyed and plucked a hair from his head.

"You better check your phone and answer to George's texts." I remembered that George told me about not getting responses.

"Nah, not now," he was getting sleepy again, "play with my hair."

"No, it's wet." I cringed.

"Would you like it if you said "play with my pussy" and I said no, it's we- OUCH, STOP I'M GOING BALD ALREADY."

For a moment I forgot how many jokes like this he would make when we first met. I remember getting used to them after a while, but apparently there was still some room for improvement. I liked him like this tho, it reminded me of the old times. They kind of sucked but the nostalgia made them seem like the best experiences of my life.

Even though I despised wet hair, I still couldn't keep my hands away from the dirty blonde mess that fell everywhere. He hummed in approval and made himself comfier, tightening the circle his arms made around my body.

"Any plans for today?" I asked, remembering that he said something about filming a video recently.

"Need to practice a bit for the manhunt." He mumbled with closed eyes, definitely drifting to sleep slowly.

"That's all?" I thought he had to film today, but I'm relieved he doesn't.

"Mhm." Clay was practically half-asleep by now.

Even though he had waken up not more than two hours ago and slept not less than eight hours, I still let him nap for a bit more, not being able to keep my eyes open myself.

We wasted the daylight deep in slumber, and only woke up after the sunset only because both of us were hungry. And we spent another two hours eating and scrolling through our phones, showing each other stupid memes and tiktoks until we had enough of wasting our days. He had to practice.

"What are your tactics for this one?" I watched him run the game. To be honest I was really interested to watch.

"Don't know yet, still have a week before filming," he explained, "wanna watch?"

I nodded as he freed some space for me next to him, tapping it for me to take. His gaming chair was pretty large for me to squeeze myself in, throwing my legs over his thighs and leaning back on the bridge his right arm made, sneaking from behind me to the mouse. After a few minutes of watching him practice parkour, I rested my head on his shoulder.

"How do you have so much patience?" I watched him attempt the same level of parkour for around ten times.

"I think that comes with practice too," he finally made the last jump with his words, "used to rage a lot when I was younger."

"Okie," I nodded, as he left the parkour map. It's fascinating how he completed it while I was practically everywhere on his body, "what are you gonna do now?"

"Some runs I think. I'm really rusty." I haven't seen him play since we went to the UK.

It was so entertaining watching him play. I'm guilty for watching his fingers move quickly on the keyboard, but I promise my main attention was on the monitor.

He wasn't doing it with a timer, but I could tell it took him a while to find a lava pool. And seeing that he spent a lot of time on this single run already before even making it to the nether, I decided that it was the time for me to finally achieve something.

"Can you teach me the portal thingy? I keep fucking up the water placement." Every single time I attempted to make a portal, the whole lava pool turned into obsidian.

I didn't expect him to be this excited about teaching me to build a portal, but his voice tone proved that he actually was. He rolled the chair closer to the desk with his legs, cause my arms weren't as long as his to reach the mouse and the keyboard from the distance.

"Place a block there." He ordered, and I felt accomplished after doing the easiest step.

"I'm such a easy learner." The sarcasm in my voice made him chuckle.

"Place the water and break the block now."

I did as he told. I could do this part even without his help. But when it was time for the tower and the water placement, I tried my hardest to focus as much as I could on his instructions and try to learn.

"Place the water there at the top- nonono, not there!" Luckily I stopped before it was too late.

He covered my hand that was on the mouse with his larger one and guided the cursor to the correct place, explaining something that I couldn't concentrate on.

It was just a touch, just his hand covering mine, yet it made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. I don't even know how it's possible for me to get butterflies from simple things like this after everything we went through.

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