Wind Archer x reader

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Requested by P1nks0ftie, hope you like it!!

Note: as gender wasn’t specific, reader will use they/them on this one!

The afternoon was peaceful, and the good weather invited the cookies to go outside and enjoy the time with others. (Y/N) wasn’t different, and they had found themselves in their small garden that afternoon. 

“Such a nice day… I wonder if he is taking a break for once” The cookie thought aloud as they watered their plants, the green leafs making them think about a familiar forest guardian. They had known each other for a long while, and the cookie knew he sometimes forgot about taking a well-deserved break. He had worried them at some points if they were honest.

They really hoped he was relaxing for once, especially in such a good day.

“You worry too much about me, (Y/N)” a familiar voice said behind them, almost making the cookie jump from the spot they were standing.

They quickly turned around to meet the green eyes they loved, and a smile formed on their face.

“Of course! I care about you, you know?” (Y/N) said with a soft laugh, earning a gentle smile from Wind Archer.

“...they had grown a lot” he said softly, standing by their side as he looked at the various plants on their garden.

“I take good care of them… or at least I try” they replied softly, earning a soft hum from the guardian.

“You do. They were just small sprouts when I gave them to you” Wind Archer said, ruffling their hair for a moment. The cookie giggled, their heart skipping a beat for a moment. 

The two of them stayed in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying the other’s company and the peacefulness of the day.

“Would you like a cup of tea? I still have your favourite” they asked softly, making Wind Archer smile.

“That sounds good, yes”

“Perfect” they said, leaving the water hose on its place before taking his hand on theirs, gently pulling them to the house.

In their eyes, it was truly a perfect afternoon.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now