Mocha Ray x Female! Reader

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Requested by LordJulius17, hope you like it!

Note: pronouns for Mocha Ray aren’t official, so I will use she/her for now, as many fans do!

"Any changes?" She asked as she entered the room, her gaze switching between Mocha Ray and Sea Fairy. Mocha Ray sighed as she shook her head, eyes focused on the Sacred Pearl Sea Fairy was holding.

"Darkness hadn't spread more, but I still can't talk to Sea Fairy" she said with a soft voice. The cookie hugged her gently from behind, and she felt Mocha Ray relax a bit against her. They stayed like that for a few minutes, her presence bringing the guardian the comfort she needed.

"Better?" She said after a few minutes, finally breaking the hug and joining at her side.

"Yes, thank you dear" Mocha Ray replied with a small smile. Their gazes returned to Sea Fairy and the half dark pearl on her hands until something sounded outside the temple. A too familiar sound.

"... Lobster is trying to get in again" she said softly, hearing the electric sounds the barrier produced. It made Mocha Ray sighed as she looked at the corridor.

"Lobster…" she muttered sadly to herself. A worried look formed on her face as she also looked at the corridor. Neither of them knew why their friend was acting like this, how and when the guardian had lost his way just like that. She had a small feeling it had something to do with that fish that followed him everywhere, but it wasn't something she could prove after all. All they knew is that they had to protect Sea Fairy and the Sacred Pearl.

"How about we sit down for a bit? You had been all afternoon here, a small break won't hurt you" she said softly as she grabbed her hand, giving it a soft squeeze. She nodded, and they walked in a comfortable silence to a small bedroom not far away.

Mocha Ray hummed happily as her head rested on her lap, a hand massaging her temples gently.

"Better?" The cookie asked as she smiled at Mocha Ray.

"Yes, thank you Angelfish"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now