Yam x reader

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Requested by Bloo on Discord, hope you like it!

Request: they tend to his wounds after a battle in the wild and they have a moment™️

Note: this is the good stuff. You speak my language. Gender wasn't specified, so the reader will use they/them on this one

"Hey! Be careful!" Yam protested as the cookie at his side tried to treat his arm. Said cookie sighed, clearly tired of his protests.

"I am being careful Yam. But you need to stop moving!" They said, looking into his eyes with a glare. They maintained eye contact for a few seconds until he broke it with a huff. They smiled, knowing the had won and returned to their work.

"There, all done. It wasn't that difficult, was it?" They teased with a smile, earning another huff from him. They shocked their head, smiling. "As stubborn as ever" they thought as their attention went to the small campfire in front of them. They put some branches, making sure it wouldn't go down, and sat down at his side. "You should be more careful, you know?" They said with a sigh. It was true he was a powerful warrior and could handle himself but...sometimes he was too careless. And they were worried about him.

Yam muttered something under his breath and they blinked, confused.

"Sorry, what was that?" They asked, turning their head to look at him.

"I said it was going towards you! What did you expect me to do?! I wasn't just going to let that coward hit you!" Yam said, now looking into their eyes. Their gaze softened, a hand moving to his face. He tensed for a moment at the sudden contact but relaxed as they caressed his cheek.

"I know dear I know. I just...I worry about you. I hate seeing you hurt and sometimes I fear...I fear I won't be able to help you" they said with a soft voice, their voice cracking a bit at the end. Yam's gaze softened too, and he put his own hand on top of theirs.

"I...I will try, alright? I can't promise you anything, but I'll try. Just for you"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now