Leek x female! Reader

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Small oneshot for my sis Darky, hope you like it!

It was rare for Leek to leave his trusted sword behind. He always had it with him, and she sometimes thought he was just glued to it. So she couldn't believe the sword without its master, even if it was in front of her eyes. Leek had come back tired from the tournament just a few minutes before, leaving his sword and hat on the table before going to his bedroom for who knows what.

She looked at the hall for a few seconds. Seeing no movement from his room, she tentatively grabbed the sword on her hands. It was surprisingly lighter than she thought it would, the blade was as sharp as always. An idea appeared on her head at the moment, and she giggled a bit to herself.

She grabbed his hat and pulled it on her head, not minding the fact that it was way too big for her. With the sword on her hands, she started to imitate Leek's battle postures and usual phrases, a giggle escaping her mouth here and there.

"You won't escape my blade!" She said, turning around to fight an invisible opponent. She froze in place as she made eye contact with a familiar pair of blue eyes, looking at her curiously.

"Having fun?" Leek asked with an eyebrow raised, a small smirk on his face. She blushed under his gaze, and quickly offered his sword and hat back without a word. He grabbed his trusted sword and put it back on it's sheath. The hat, on the other hand, was put back on her head, covering her vision for a small moment. She jumped, a bit surprised, and looked up at Leek.

"Keep it, my dove. It looks cute on you"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now