(platonic) Strawberry + fem! Reader

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Requested by CropyStompy, hope you like it!

The cookie looked around her living room, mentally checking everything was in order.

She had been waiting for the movie marathon all week, after all. Everything needed to be ready and in place.

"The popcorn is ready, pizza is on the table, drinks are over there, blankets in place…"

"Everything is in place, yes" she thought, nodding to herself with a smile.

All she needed to do was wait for…

The sudden knock on her door made her smile again, and she quickly went to open it.

"Strawberry hi!"

"Hi (Y/N), I hope I'm not late…"

"You are just in time, don't worry" the cookie said with a smile, stepping aside to let her friend in.

Giving her a shy smile, Strawberry walked inside the familiar house.

"You prepared everything already?" The cookie asked, taking a seat on the comfy couch.

"Mhm! Everything is ready for us to enjoy some movies. Though I forgot to buy some sweets, sorry about that" the cookie said with an apologetic smile, sitting next to her friend.

"Oh! I… I passed by the candy store on my way here…"

Strawberry quickly opened her backpack, taking a small box of candy from the inside.

"I wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not, but I bought some…"

The cookie smiled softly at her, taking the candy box.

"These look so yummy! Thank you, Strawberry, you are the best!"

"O-oh, it was no problem… Should we start the movie now?"

Time quickly passed as the two of them watched the movies, laughing at the different parts and making small comments about the plot.

Neither of them realized how late it was.

Not until Strawberry let out a yawn, her eyes closing.

(Y/N) smiled softly, letting out a yawn herself as she got up from the couch.

"I will get you some pillows" she said softly, making her way to her room.

Though she was stopped on the way by Strawberry's voice.

"Hey (Y/N)"


"Thank you… for being my friend" she muttered with a sleepy voice, falling asleep at the moment.

"Thank you for being mine, Strawberry"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now