Cyborg x reader

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Requested by atinyirsihmess. Giving each other the juice we crave buddy. Hope you like it!

It had been an eventful morning in Aloe's lab. Everything was fine when they arrived. They greeted the Ion cookies with a smile as they passed the long corridors and then entered the room where Aloe usually was. To their surprise, no one was there as they went inside, not even Cyborg. They raised an eyebrow, confused. "Where can they be?" They asked themselves as they looked around. Their answer came almost at the moment, the sound of an explosion resounding in all the lab. They opened their eyes and quickly ran outside the room and towards the source of the sound.

They quickly went inside the smoke covered room, coughing a bit as they tried to look around. "Cyborg! Aloe! Are you here?!" They shouted.

"Yes, right here (Y/N)! Quick, activate the emergency ventilation system!" Aloe shouted from the other side. The cookie nodded, even if they couldn't see them, and made their way quickly to the lateral panel. It was hard to see, but they found it after a few tries and wasted no more time in activated it. To their ease, it started working at the moment and the room was soon free of the smoke. They spotted Aloe and Cyborg at the other side, sitting near a now destructed table.

"What happened? Are you okay?" They asked worried as they made their way to the two cookies.

"Yes, I'm fine. I must have miscalculated something. Cyborg, on the other hand…" Aloe said, looking worriedly at his friend. Their gaze moved to Cyborg, who was holding one of his arms.

"I'm fine, is nothing big" Cyborg said, making Aloe roll his eyes.

"Cyborg, you protected me from the explosion. It is something" Aloe said, and they nodded in agreement as they kneeled in front of him.

"May I take a look?" They asked softly, looking at him with a worried gaze. He looked into their eyes for a small second before nodding, letting his hand go so they could see the damage. Their eyes moved quickly to his arm, carefully examining it.

"We need to replace a few components, but nothing important got damaged" they said after a few seconds, letting out the breath they were unconsciously holding. Aloe nodded as he quickly got up from the ground.

"I'm going to get the components then" he said.

"I should go with you. We will be quicker" they said as they tried to get up too. But a hand stopped them from doing. They looked down, their eyes open in surprise, to see Cyborg's good hand grabbing theirs. He said nothing, just looked into their eyes. And they understood the message: he didn't want to be alone. They looked over Aloe, who just nodded with a smile before making his way out.

They let out a yelp as Cyborg pulled them back to the ground, their back now against his chest as he hugged them with his good arm. They looked up at him, a faint blush on their cheeks. Their eyes met his, and they noticed a hint of something. Fear, maybe? Their eyes softened and one of their hands moved to caress his cheek. He closed his eyes, leaning into their hands for a moment.

"Are you really okay?" They asked softly after a few minutes.

" Aloe is the only cookie I remember from before and the mere thought of losing him…" he said softly as he opened his eyes.

"Is okay Cyborg. He is okay, and he isn't going anywhere, neither do I" they said softly, earning a small smile from Cyborg.

"Thank you (Y/N). I don't know what I would do without you" he said as he closed his eyes again. They stayed in a comfortable silence, their presence enough to calm him. He didn't let them go when Aloe returned, and at the end they had to fix it while it rested on their lap.

"Alright, everything looks good. I'm going to leave this on its place" Aloe said, grabbing the leftover pieces before going outside the room again. Seeing they were done, (Y/N) tried to get up. But the strong and yet gentle hold Cyborg had on them prevent it.

"Cyborg, come on" they said.

"Just stay with me for a few more minutes…" he muttered, hiding his face a bit on their hair. They sighed as their cheeks turned red, knowing they couldn't get out of that. He smiled as they relaxed against him, and closed his eyes again. They made him feel calm, feel peace.

"Just for a few minutes...I want to stay with you a little more"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now