Wind Archer x female reader

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Requested by Newsgirl22, hope you like it!

The forest was silent that night, like all the inhabitants had fallen asleep at the same time. Even the night creatures.

The only thing one could hear was the sound of arrows hitting wood, deep inside the forest.

Wind Archer always took the opportunity to practice his ability with the bow, (Y/N) always looking from afar. It didn’t matter if it was day or night, she was always there on those occasions.

It was the perfect opportunity to hang out with Wind Archer after all, with the extra pints of seeing him practise without worrying about any danger.

She couldn’t help but find cute his concentration face, admiring how quick he was when shooting. Just like the wind.

And, for Wind Archer, it was comforting to have her in there too. Even if they didn’t have a proper conversation during those time… just knowing she was there was enough for him.

But, that night in particular, the cookie found it hard to stay awake.

It wasn’t like she had a particularly long day but there was just… something calming in the air that was luring her into sleep. Especially knowing Wind Archer would be there to protect her if anything happened.

“I’m just going to rest my eyes for a bit” (Y/N) thought as she closed her eyes.

Only to fall asleep at the moment.

The guardian of the forest quickly noticed her sleeping against the tree, and he couldn’t help but smile softly at the sight.

“Cute” he thought as he pulled his bow away.

Wind Archer made his way to the tree and, carefully to not disturb her, took a seat at her side.

An arm quickly made its way around her shoulder and, very gently, he pulled her to his side. Her head rested against his shoulder, and he smiled softly before giving the top of her head a soft kiss.

“I love you” he whispered very softly before closing his own eyes.

And he joined her in a peaceful sleep.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now