Pomegranate x female! reader

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Requested by manu_the_cringe, hope you like it!

The cookie didn't look up from her book at the sound of the door opening.

Neither when footsteps approached slowly the living room.

She knew who it was, after all.

"How was the plan, love?"  She asked as the cookie entered the room, her gaze finally moving to look at Pomegranate.

While others would think she had her same stoic face, (Y/N) knew something was wrong. Her eyes showed sadness, and she could see small dark bags forming in the corner.

The plan was probably fooled again.

"... How about I make you some tea? You must be tired after the long way" 

To her surprise, Pomegranate didn't take a seat in the living room. Instead, she opted to follow her to the kitchen.

Her arms made their way around her waist, her face hiding against her back.

"That group of cookies… Somehow they went on our way again…" Pomegranate muttered against her, letting out a tired sigh.

"I see… I'm sorry to hear that, dear" the cookie answered softly, putting her hands on top of hers.

"For once, I just want my plans… to succeed. So Dark Enchantress' goal becomes real"

"I'm sure you will. You are the best at this after all"

The two cookies fell into silence for a second, boiling water the only sound filling the room.

"... Thank you for listening to me, (Y/N). You are the only one I trust with these"

"Anytime, Pomegranate. The tea is almost done... how about you wait for me in the living room, and you tell me more?"

"...yes, that sounds like the perfect plan"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now