Yam x reader

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For kelsii in discord, hope you like it!

Note: as I could choose between she/her and they/them, I went with they/them so it can be more general!

Night had fallen and, after a long day, every member of the group was sleeping. All but (Y/N), who was staring at the ceiling of the cave. They just couldn't sleep, even though they were tired. Their mind was filled with thoughts of what could happen to the group as soon as they closed their eyes.

They let out a sigh as they closed their eyes. "Maybe if I count sheep or something..." they thought as they turned around in their spot. But, to their surprise, a voice interrupted their thoughts.

"Are you going to sleep or not? It's making me nervous" Yam said with a low voice, not far away from them.

"Sorry…" they said softly as they looked at him, their eyes meeting in the darkness of the cave.

"I… I just can't stop thinking about this silly worries. I'll try to be still so you can sleep" they said, earning a soft sigh from him.

"Look just… come here" he said to their surprise.

"What?" Is the only thing they could say only ask as they sat down, making him huff.

"Just say nothing and come here, I'm trying to help you the way Milk usually does" he said, a hint of impatience in his voice. They blushed sightly as they finally understood his idea. Milk always put an arm around them when they needed comfort, and Yam was planning to do that just for them.

The idea was confirmed as Yam pulled an arm around their form as soon as they sat down at his side, pulling them closer at the moment. Both of them were grateful for the darkness, as it hid the dark blush on their cheeks.

"Thanks Yam" they finally said after a few minutes, resting their head on his chest as they felt themselves relax on his hold.

"Yeah yeah. Just don't tell a soul about it" Yam muttered, his head resting on top of theirs.

Both of them fell asleep shortly after, a small smile on their faces.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now