Flirtatious! Roguefort x fem! detective reader

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Requested by kriskrisandkris, hope you like it!

The detective glanced around the room, eyes scanning for any suspicious activity.

The famous phantom thief announced a few days ago their intentions to rob Cheesecake’s newest jewel and, of course, they had been preparing for that day.

The young detective Walnut was in the entrance, keeping her eyes open for any suspicious activity. The jewel had been put inside a cage, with various members of the police around it to protect it. 

And the only way to open it was with a key, which was guarded by one of the detectives, chosen randomly that same afternoon.

“And, of course, it had to be me of all the cookies” she thought with a sigh, the key in her hand.

“But where can I keep it safe… Pockets would be too easy. Maybe if I…”

Her train of thoughts was interrupted by a loud noise at the other side of the mansion.


“Wait! It could be a tri… and they are gone” she said, mentally facepalming as she saw all the police members running outside the room.

Now it was just her, the key and the jewel.

“All those hours instructing them in the various tricks Roguefort use for nothing”

“A shame, isn’t it?” a familiar voice said behind her, making her turn around quickly.

Too quickly actually. 

She would have fallen to the ground if it wasn’t for the familiar thief catching her on time.

“Finally have fallen for me, my jewel?” they said, smirk on their face as her face turned red.

“You wish, thief” she said, rolling her eyes as they put her back on her feet.

“Aaaawww, you hurt my feelings, my jewel! Here I thought my charm was irresistible” they said, the smirk never leaving their face as they moved to the cage.

“Mhmph, you can’t open that witho…. wait”

The detective opened her hand, the key gone. 

“Looking for this, dear?” the thief said, key in their hand. 

The detective groaned. Of course, they had taken it the short moment she was distracted.

“I was wondering if it was the key to your heart or the jewel. Shame is only for the jewel” they said, said jewel now secured in their hand.

But, to her surprise, the thief didn’t make their usual exit. They always disappeared once they had what they wanted.

But instead, the thief made their way back to her side, smile on their face.

“Before I go, this is for you my jewel” Roguefort said, offering her one of their calling cards with the familiar blue rose.

“Read it when you are by yourself. I will see you soon, dear”

And, with a quick kiss on her cheek, the thief disappeared.

Leaving a flustered detective behind.

(Y/N) was back home just an hour later, a tired sigh leaving her mouth as she left her coat on the table.

The action made the blue rose fall to the ground, reminding the detective she still needed to read the letter.

“Wonder what it is…” 

A beautiful jewel shines in the night,

out of reach for everyone

Will this thief be able

to capture your heart?

I will await for your answer tomorrow, 

In the place where the moon shines and the water falls

Her heart skipped a beat as she finished reading, blush on her face.

“...This thief… what did I get myself into?” she thought as she smelled the blue rose, a small smile forming on her face.

She would have to find out tomorrow.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now