(Platonic) Squid Ink + motherly reader

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Requested by Nightmarachu, hope you like it!

Her friends always said she was like the town's mom. She just had this motherly aura all around her, one that made others feel calm and loved. And to top that, she just also acted like one. The cookie couldn't help it, she just worried about everyone and wanted them to be happy. Specially one little cookie she had met a few months ago.

She had been walking around the beach that day, exploring some of the more hidden parts on her own. It was supposed to be a relaxing stroll after a long day, but as she passed in front of a cave, she heard the faint noise of a cookie crying. Her body immediately stopped, and she gazed the entrance of the cave for a few seconds. Her feet moved as she heard the faint sound again. Whoever they were, she just...couldn't leave them alone. The sound became a bit louder as she walked inside and, after a few minutes, she found the source of it. Near the small lake that was inside the cave, a small squid like cookie sat as they cried. Her heart broke a bit at the sigh, and she found herself walking to their side.

The cookie looked up in surprise, like they weren't expecting any company there.

"Hi there buddy, I'm (Y/N)" she said with a soft smile.

"(Y/N)...I'm… Squid Ink…" the cookie replied, small tears still falling from their eyes. She just smiled at them again, even if she just wanted to pull them on a hug at the moment.

"Nice to meet you. Mind if I sit with you?" She asked, and they opened their eyes in surprise as they looked at her. They finally nodded after a few seconds, and she took a sit near them.

"What are you doing here all alone, Squid Ink?" She asked the cookie softly.

"I'm...alone" they simply said, making her heart broke a bit more. How could they be alone? No one was there for this cookie?

"And why is that?" She asked.

"Don't...remember. Always had...been alone" the small cookie stated, tears falling from their eyes again.

One of her hands moved to their head, making Squid Ink look at her at the moment. The touch was...gentle and warm. It made them feel like...protected somehow.

"Well, I will come to visit you from no own Squid Ink. You won't be alone anymore"

And she was true to her word. Every afternoon she went back to the cave and stayed with Squid Ink for a few hours. Sometimes she even brought food or something she thought the small cookie would like.

They seemed to enjoy her company, and as time passed they felt more and more comfortable around her.

One day she went to visit the small cookie, as always, a Tupperware with homemade biscuits. Squid Ink smiled as she appeared on their sight, and she smiled back.

"Look, I brought you some biscuits! You mentioned you wanted to try then" she said, smile still on her face. She sat down in her usual spot and the afternoon went like always. But she did notice how Squid Ink looked more tired than other days, and as time passed their eyes closed more and more. She couldn't help but smile at the cookie, a hand moving to pat their head.

"Tired?" She asked, and the cookie nodded. To her surprise, Squid Ink moved closer to her to laid against her, a small smile on their face.

Her smile grew bigger, and she soon started humming the lullaby her mother used to sing to her. A few minutes passed, and she saw Squid Ink had finally fallen asleep. With a smile, she lifted them on her arms and pulled them to a small spot a few feet away, where a few pillows and blankets acted like a bed to the cookie.

"Rest well Squid Ink" she whispered, giving the cookie a small kiss on the forehead before she turned away.

She missed what Squid Ink muttered in their sleep.

"Goodnight... Mom"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now