Milk Cookie x female! Reader

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Requested by White_and_Red_Roses, hope you like it!

It has been a long battle, at least for her. A big group of bandits had appeared out of nowhere and attacked the three of them without a doubt. They fought for who knows how long and, in the end, won against the bandits.  The bandits ran back to wherever they came from as the three of them sat down for a moment in silence, regaining their breath. 

"We taught them a good lesson!" Yam said with a laugh, breaking the silence between them.

"Yes, it was worth it to see their faces at the end!" She said, laughing with Yam as Milk just shocked his head.

"We should get going, in case they came back. The village isn't too far away" Milk said, offering her a hand. She took it gratefully with a smile. He helped her up, and she felt her cheeks turning red as they made eye contact. 

"If you two lovebirds are done there, we have to go" Yam said, rolling his eyes at the pair. That was enough for them to break eye contact and for her to let go his hand, both looking at other side a bit embarrassed.

They continued their journey, a comfortable silence between them. But as they walked, she started feeling more and more tired. Without realizing she started walking a bit slower, not really noticing her surroundings. She suddenly collided against a chest, and a pair of arms caught her before she could hit the ground. "You look tired" Milk said as he looked at her with a worried gaze. Before she could say anything, Milk raised her in his arms. She let out a surprised yelp, her arms going to his shoulders unconsciously for more support. 

"Milk what are you doing?!" She asked, her face red as she looked at the cookie. Said cookie just offered her a gentle smile. 

"You are tired. Let me carry you the rest of the way so you can rest" he said with a smile. She blushed even more but just nodded. She couldn't say no to that smile.

"Again. Are you two done? Is getting dark!" Yam said, rolling his eyes at them. Milk nodded, and they started walking again. 

She let her head rest against his chest, enjoying the warm he provided. Her eyes started to close little by little and, before she knew, she had fallen asleep on his arms. 

Milk smiled softly at the now asleep cookie, leaning a bit to give the top of her head a kiss. "Rest well my dear"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now