Princess x reader

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Requested by Rokutv90, hope you like it!

Two cookies ran down the almost empty street, giggles escaping from one of them as the other struggled to keep up.

"Come on (Y/N)! The shop is going to close soon!"

"Wait for me, Princess!"

"Then don't be so slow!"

The cookie rolled their eyes in the distance, though the smile didn't leave their face.

It was good to see her so full of energy, running down the streets without a care.

And without the familiar knight following her for once.

"It's something special, and I only want (Y/N) with me. You don't have to worry, they will protect me if something happens!" Princess had stated to the knight, moments before she had dragged them out.

"Here we are! Let's go inside (Y/N)!" 

The familiar voice of the princess interrupted their thoughts, and they finally realized she had stopped in front of a familiar jewelry shop.

"Of course, she probably ordered something again" they thought with a smile, following her inside.

"Your highness, welcome!"

"Good afternoon, is my order ready?"

"Yes, of course, give me a second"

(Y/N) looked around the shop as the princess talked, admiring the different types of jewels and accessories available.

They wondered for one second what kind of jewel Princess had ordered this time.

"She looks good with anything though" they thought with a chuckle, a small blush on their face as they thought about her.


The cookie blinked in surprise, their gaze moving to Princess cookie.

She was offering them a very elegant box, a soft smile on her face.

Carefully, they took the small box from her hands.

"For me?"

"Yes, for you! Come on, open it!"

Their gaze focused on the small box in their hands.

"What can this be…"

Their eyes opened in surprise as they discovered the simple, yet elegant bracelet inside the box.


"Do you… like it?" 

"I… I love it, thank you" they said softly, the blush on their face increasing as Princess took their hands on hers.

"I wanted to give this to you as a “Thank You”. For being at my side all this time. For letting be myself"

"Thank you, (Y/N)"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now