Dj x female! Reader x Rockstar

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Requested by Mooni_20, hope you like it!

Being friends with DJ and Rockstar had it's up and downs. Both of them were good friends and where there always for her but...sometimes their different musical tastes crashed. It was almost impossible to stop them when it happened, but she somehow always managed. But even she wasn't able to stop their fights the past few weeks. And to make things worse, she also noticed they had like...a very silent competition between the two of them.
The problem had been getting on her nerves lately, and so she found herself sitting in a bench one afternoon with her favourite drink in one hand." How could I make them stop fighting again? And what are they even competing for?" She thought, sighing internally as she took a sip of her favourite drink. She just wanted to enjoy their company again, and no worry about fights, competitions or any of that stuff.

"(Y/N)! Here you are! I have been looking for you all afternoon" a familiar voice said, snapping her out of her thoughts. She looked up and found Rockstar walking towards her with a tired but big smile. Now that she noticed, he looked like he had been running a marathon.

"Rockstar, are you alright?" She asked him, a worried look on her face. The cookie just smiled again as he nodded.
"Yes, don't worry. But before anything else I need to ask you something. Would you be interested in…" he said, but was interrupted by another familiar voice as he tried to talk.

"(Y/N)! Finally found you...oh, you are here Rockstar" DJ said as they quickly approached the two cookies. The tension immediately grew as Rockstar and DJ stared at each other, and she sighed internally.

"What are you doing here Rockstar?" DJ asked as they crossed their arms, earning a snort from the other cookie.

"I was asking (Y/N) if she wanted to come to my next concert before you rudely interrupted us, DJ" Rockstar replied as he also crossed his arms.

"Your concert? Don't joke Rockstar, (Y/N) is coming to my next show" they said, making his eye twitch for a moment.

"As she would want to go to and listen to your soulles music" he replied, making the other cookie huf.

"And as she would want to go and listen to your music you...!" They said, but was suddenly interrupted by the cookie had been there since the beginning.

"Both of you! Stop this right now!" She said, making both cookies look at her in surprise. Seeing that the fight was stopped, for once, she continued.
"I can't take this any more you two. I don't know why are you suddenly fighting more or what is your secret competition about. But I just can't take it anymore. Please...stop" she said as she felt tears forming on her eyes. Both cookies quickly sat at her side, a guilty expression on their faces.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)..." Rockstar said as he grabbed one of her hands, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"We might have gone to far, sorry" DJ said, their hand on her shoulder gently.

"Look there anything I can do so you stop fighting?" She said, making DJ and Rockstar look at each other. She was confused when both cookies got up from the bench and stood in front of her. And she felt herself blush as both cookies offered her one hand as both of them said

"(Y/N)...would you go with me?"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now