Dark Choco x female! Reader

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Just some idea I had. Here is for all the Dark Choco lovers

He had suffered a lot all those years and, even thought he had been getting a bit better with her support, he still had nightmares sometimes. He hadn't said about them to anyone, and when they happened he just stayed quiet, trying to relax as the nightmare repeated on his head.

But that night the nightmare had been worse than others. He woke up with a small scream, his body trembling as his head remembered different parts of the nightmare. He was so in shock he didn't hear the door opening, neither the cookie who entered his room. 

Dark Choco jumped at the sudden touch on his shoulder, turning around quickly with terror on his eyes. He stared at the cookie for a few seconds, his head processing who she was, and then relaxed a bit. She looked at him with a worried gaze. "I heard you screaming. Are you okay?" She asked with a soft voice, clearly worried about him. He thought he didn't deserve all her kindness.

"Yes...I'm fine. Sorry for waking you up" he said, his gaze back on his hands. He wasn't trembling anymore, but the nightmare kept repeating on his head. He missed the frown on her face.

She approached him a bit more, a hand moving to take one of his own. He looked up, confused by her actions. She squeezed his hand with a small smile, looking at him with a worried but soft gaze. "I know you probably had a nightmare and don't want to talk about it but...you don't have to suffer alone. I'm here for you" she said with a soft voice, making his inner walls crush even more. But he didn't say anything, and just nodded at her. 

"Do you want a hug? Would that be okay?" She asked softly, and he thought about it for a moment. It had been such a long time since the last time he had a hug, since he was hold by someone else… 

He felt selfish at that moment, like he didn't deserve it. But he nodded. And so she sat down at his side, her arms open as she invited him to the hug. He pulled his own arms around her slowly, his body tense for a moment at the contact. But he relaxed after a few minutes, his eyes closed as he enjoyed her warm.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" She asked after a few minutes. He felt selfish again, but he nodded. And so they laid down on his bed, never breaking the hug. He let out a small sigh as one of her hands started moving up and down his back. And so he fell asleep on her arms, the ghost of a smile on his face. 

He didn't have more nightmares that night.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now