Moonlight x reader

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Requested by Suckyou231047, hope you like it!

As gender wasn't specific, reader will use they/them on this one

They had been stressed the past weeks, very stressed. It had gone to the point they couldn't even sleep at night. They could just turn and turn around in their bed with their eyes closed, trying really hard to fall asleep without succeed.

That's why Moonlight grabbed one of their hands the moment she saw them, looking at them with a worried gaze. They looked like they could fall to the ground by just a gentle breeze and it made her heart break a little. Without a word, she pulled them gently to her lap, their head resting against her as she held them gently.

"You need to rest my light" she said softly as she stroked their hair softly. They could only nod at her, too tired to even speak. The stress and worries from the last weeks seemed to disappear as she held them so gently, and they found themselves closing their eyes, falling asleep shortly after. Moonlight smiled gently, relieved they were finally getting their needed rest, and closed her eyes to join them on a peaceful dream.

But they didn't have a peaceful rest. They found themselves facing the problems again, the voices of those cookies repeating and repeating around them. They put their hand on the side of their head, attempting to mute out all the voices speaking. It was too much for them, they couldn't keep it up anymore! It was too much…

A hand on their face woke them up from their nightmares. They opened their eyes, only to find their vision blurry. One of their own hand moved to their face and found out that, indeed, they were crying. "Is alright my shiny star, it was only a nightmare" Moonlight said with a soft voice, drying their tears with one hand. They closed their eyes again as their body trembled sightly. She pulled them closer, whispering sweet nothings as she waited for them to calm down.

They let out a shaky sigh after a few minutes, feeling tired once again. Whoever, they were too scared to fall asleep again, the nightmare still repeating in their head. Moonlight sensed their hesitation and smiled gently at them.

"Sleep my light. You won't have more nightmares" she said softly, kissing the top of their head. She started humming a soft melody as her hand went back to their hair, rocking her body a bit. They found themselves asleep shortly after.

And sure enough, they didn't have more nightmares that night.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now