Cream Unicorn x reader

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Requested by Lexi, hope you like it!

Note: as gender wasn't specific, reader will use she/her on this one!

She had known Cream Unicorn for a few years now. They met one day when she found their park by accident. She had made friends with them quickly, and that day promised to visit the park every week. And she kept her promise all those years, never failing to visit them. She liked their gentle company and, even if she wouldn't admit it aloud, she had developed a bit of a crush on them. "I just can't help myself with their gentle voice, the feather-light touches, their smile…" She shocked her head at the thoughts, her cheeks red.

"No, it's not the time. I have a mission to accomplish" she thought as she looked at the familiar gates. She had noticed that, after all those years, Cream Unicorn had never left the park. And tonight she wanted that to change. She went inside the park with confidence, making her way to the carousel where Cream Unicorn usually was.

"(Y/N), you came" they said with a smile as she came into their sigh.

"Of course Cream!" She said with a giggle as she arrived to their side. They pulled her into a gentle hug, which she returned happily. She sighed internally, enjoying the small moment and how they smelled like cotton candy. They broke the hug, too soon for her, and smiled at her.

"What do you want to do tonight my little butterfly?" They asked, making her cheeks go red. She looked at them, a bit nervous, and took a depth breath before speaking.

"I...I have a surprise for you. But is outside the park" she said nervously, biting her lip at the end. Cream Unicorn looked at her a bit surprised, but didn't say anything.

"Is fine if you don't want to", she said as they didn't say anything, "but...I'd love to show it to you. not even too far away so if anything happens we will be close. Then again maybe you can't go outside and I never thought about it" she said, feeling more and more nervous as she spoke. A hand on her shoulder interrupted her rambling, and she looked up. Cream Unicorn was looking at her with a soft smile, the lights of the carousel making them look more beautiful in her eyes.

"I'd love to" they said with a soft voice. She smiled, relieved, and took their hand with a giggle.

"Then let's go!"

As she said, the place was just a few minutes away from the park. It was an special place for her, as not a lot of people knew about it. She pulled them to her favourite spot and sat down, their backs against the tree.

"This is kind of my secret place. I come here when I want to be alone or need to think" she said, her gaze on the lake in front of them.

"It is very peaceful and beautiful" they said softly as they looked around.

"The surprise should appear in a few minutes" she said with a smile, and they returned it. They stayed in a comfortable silence until, as she predicted, the surprise arrived. Their eyes opened as fireflies appeared all around them slowly, creating a magical scene in front of their eyes.

"You like it?" She asked, enjoying the scene herself.

"Yes, I do. Is beautiful" they said with a soft voice, turning their head to look at her. They felt themself blush as they looked at her. She had a soft smile on her face, the moon reflecting on her hair and the fireflies giving her the last touch. They smiled at her with a soft gaze before putting an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to their side.

"But you are more beautiful. Thank you for showing it to me, my little butterfly" they said softly.

Her cheeks turned red as she looked up to them, her eyes opened. She didn't imagined that, did she? Cream Unicorn only smiled at her again before they started leaning as they closed their eyes. Both of their hearts pounded strongly on their chest, but neither of them pulled apart. She closed her eyes, and their lips finally met in a short and gentle kiss.

One of their hands made its way to her cheek as they pulled apart, caressing it gently.

"I love you, my little butterfly"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now