(part 2) Blueberry Pie x male! reader

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Requested by GachaFrost YT, hope you like it!

He had noticed some small changes after the incident. How Blueberry Pie didn't leave his side as often.

How she asked for his help in small tasks, instead of handling everything on her own.

And how she seemed to look in his direction more often. Though, the cookie assumed this last one was just his imagination… right?

"(Y/N)? Are you done with that?" The familiar voice asked, breaking his train of thoughts.

"Yes, I'm done with these papers" he said, giving her a small smile as he handed over the now organized papers.

His cheeks felt warmer as their hands touched for a second.

"These are perfect, yes. Thank you for helping me, (Y/N)"

"Doing all this work yourself must be tiring, I'm glad I can help you" 

"... It is tiring, yes. But I got used after all these years"

"Oh? You never had someone to help around here?" The cookie asked, surprise in his voice. 

Surely she hasn't been handling everything herself for years… right?

"You are correct. I had been the only worker here for years. I… never thought I would need help" 

"Oh… then why are you letting me…?" He asked in confusion.

"... I enjoy your company" she said very softly, gaze moving to the floor to avoid eye contact.

"Having you around has been a change for me. One that I… didn't know I needed and wanted"

"You are the only one I trust to help me here, (Y/N)"

Both cookies stood there for a moment, their cheeks red. 

"Well I… thank you for trusting me, Blueberry Pie" he finally said, a shy smile on his face.

She gave him a small smile in return.

"Say… how about we take a break?"

"There is still so much work to do"

"It won't go anywhere" he said, offering her a hand.

Blueberry Pie stared at the hand and, after a few seconds, she took it with a small smile.

"I guess a break would be nice"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now