Lemon x female! Reader

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Requested by McIntyre56, hope you like it!

She looked at the secluded area in front of her. Orange had invited her to their secret beach spot, away from the big crowd that was usually the beach. "We can play without worrying about hitting others, and is the only way to make Lemon come" she had said, winking at the last part. She had blushed, making Orange cookie laugh softly.

And there she was after two long hours of travel. She started walking towards their spot, smiling as they came in view.

"(Y/N)! You are finally here!" Orange said as she spotted said cookie, running towards her to gave her a big hug. She returned it with a giggle, happy to see her friend.

"Lemon is already here. He had been asking if you were coming or not" Orange said with a lower voice as she winked at her. The cookie blushed, her gaze moving where Lemon cookie was sitting. Their eyes met for a small second, before both of them looked away with their cheeks red.

"You two are impossible" Orange said as she shocked her head and a small smile. They walked where the rest was, and she waved her hand to Lime and Grapefruit as a greeting.

"Well, I'm going to continue the game, you got this girl!" Orange said with a pat on her shoulder before running back to Lime. She internally sighed. As much as she wanted to tell him...the mere thought just made her lost her voice. Even if she insisted he felt the same, she just couldn't. At that moment being friends was enough for her.

She walked to the spot Lemon was sitting, greeting him with a smile. He looked up from his cube and nodded with a small smile as a greeting. "Can I sit here?" She asked, making him nod again. He moved a bit to the side to make room for her before he continued with his cube. She sat at his side with a smile, her heart skipping a beat for a moment.

They stayed in silence, Lemon playing with his cube as she watched Orange and Lime play a few meters away, Grapefruit counting their points. Her gaze moved back to Lemon after a few minutes, and she took the opportunity to look at him better. His eyes never left the cube, and they sometimes narrowed when he found a difficult part. She found his expressions really cute, and had to hold on some giggles as she looked at him.

She had looked back at the cookies playing after a few seconds, worried that she would catch her staring. She heard him sigh, and she looked at him again. Lemon had left the cube near him, clearly tired of it for the moment.

"Difficult part?" She asked him, and he nodded as he grabbed his headphones. He paused for a small moment and looked between her and the headphones for a small moment. She tilted her head a bit, confused. "Would...would you like to listen to my music with me?" He finally asked, his cheek turning a light shade of red. Her heart skip a beat as she looked at him, her mouth open in surprise. His music was so important to him, and he never let anyone hear to it, less use his headphones.

She nodded, not trusting her voice at the moment, and a small smile formed on his face. They moved closer, their heads almost touching. The headphones he was holding with one hand were the only thing separating them, and the closeness made her heart beat faster.

"Do you like it?" He asked at some point, breaking the silence between them.

"Yes, is really good!" She said with a smile, making a small appear on his face. He moved his other arm behind her, pulling her closer as he left the headphones fall on his lap. She let out a squeak, surprised by the sudden move. The hand that was previously holding the headphones moved to her face, caressing her cheek gently as he smiled at her.

"I...I need to tell you this I really like you, (Y/N)" he said with a soft voice, his gaze soft as he looked at her. She froze for a moment. Did...did she really heard that right? She noticed how his gaze turned from soft to worried, and she realized she hadn't responded him.

"I...I like you too. A lot, actually. I just thought...you wouldn't feel the same" she said with a soft voice, making him chuckle.

"(Y/N), you had been so patient with me. You always made sure I was comfortable, always giving me space. You are so sweet and gentle and so wonderful...how couldn't I?" He said, his voice softer as he spoke.

No more words were needed between them, their eyes telling each other what they needed to know. They pulled closer, and she felt a small spark when their lips met in a short kiss.

Unaware for them, the other three cookies had been watching the whole interaction. They were smiling at their direction, happy they had finally confused.

"Told you Grape, now pay up"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now