Night Raven x Reader

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Requested by KoiandTea, hope you like it!

Note: as gender wasn't specific, reader will use they/them in this one

Also extra note: contains spoilers of the last event, just in case you haven't seen it!

Saying (Y/N) was worried was to fall short.

They haven't seen Wind Archer for almost 2 months now, something unlikely coming from him. It didn't matter how busy he was, he had always found time to be with them, even if it was just for a few hours.

And if he needed to go somewhere else, the cookiemals let them know about it.

But the three like ones didn't know anything.

"I'm sure he is fine!" one of them said, breaking their worried train of thoughts. They looked up to see the three small ones looking at them, a smile on their face.

(Y/N) had smiled in return, even if the bad feeling on their chest didn't disappear.

Just before they could say something, a small green pet caught their eye.

Windcatcher, who was always at Wind Archer's side, was there with a worried look.

That didn't help (Y/N) at all.

They quickly ran behind Windcatcher, ignoring the shoots from the cookiemals.

"They are always together, something must have happened..." they thought in panic as they ran.

Maybe he was attacked, maybe he was hurt. (Y/N) really wished he was okay.

The bad feeling on their chest only grew as they entered a dark part of the forest, one that had always been out of limits for them. He had stated it was too dangerous in the past, and they had always respected that.

As they were looking around, they failed to notice the cookie sitting in one branch.

"Have you come to join the darkness?" a voice suddenly said, almost making them jump from their spot.

The cookie finally looked up, their eyes opening in surprise as they realize who it was.

Wind Archer. He was there. But something...was wrong, very wrong.

His green tones had disappeared, giving way to dark tones of purple combined with black.

"Wind Archer..." they muttered worriedly as they looked at him.

"I don't know any Wind Archer. I am Night Raven, servant of darkness"

"No! You are Wind Archer, protector of the forest. You heal fallen spirits and protect the forest! What have they done to you..." they said, whispering softly the last part as tears threatened to fall from their eyes.

(Y/N) let out a small gasp as Night Raven suddenly moved in front of them, the visor that had been covering his eyes disappearing.

Their eyes met dark purple ones, that looked at them with a cold gaze.

"I only serve darkness. It shall prevail. Anyone on my way needs to be eliminated" he said, the cold tone of his voice making them shiver.

Night Raven jumped a few feet behind, quickly grabbing his bow and arrow.

(Y/N) knew they had to move but...they couldn't. They just couldn't.

"(Y/N) watch out!" a familiar voice said as they were knocked to the other side by a familiar yellow fox.

The cookiemals were there. At that moment they realized that maybe they had been following all this time.

"I don't know what happened to Wind Archer, but we need to go now!"

And escape was the only thing they could do. As much as they wanted to help him, they knew they would only get hurt.

But they weren't giving up, they knew there was a way to bring him back.

The help came in the form of another cookie. Churro cookie, a guardian of the temple that had fallen asleep a long time ago.

(Y/N) and the cookiemals followed him, hoping to find a way to bring Wind Archer back and to help the asleep village.

(Y/N) was sure those pomegranate seeds had something to do.

But as they tried to comprehend what had happened, an arrow flew inside the temple.

"He found us" was the only thought on their head before they were pulled to someone, a hand holding them by the arm.

"Surrender to the darkness"

"No! Wind Archer I know you are in there, you need to snap out!" they said as they tried to pull out of his hold, even if they knew it was impossible.

"I told you... I am Night Raven"

"No! You are Wind Archer! The most important cookie in my life. Don't you recognize me? It's me, (Y/N)!" they said, tears threatening to fall from their eyes.

"...(Y/N)...?" Night Raven repeated softly, very softly.

They saw it in his eyes. The doubt. He was still there...somewhere.

His hold on their arm loose, and they took the chance to push him lightly and hide behind Churro cookie.


The fight between Churro and Night Raven was intense, and they could only pray to the tree...that he would be alright.

"Millennial Tree please...bring him back..."

To their big surprise, the throne started glowing at the same time as Churro's gauntlet.

And after a few tense seconds.... the shadows around Night Raven started to vanish as the Pomegranate seeds melted.

"Wind Archer!"

(Y/N) quickly ran to his side, catching him on their arms before he could fall to the ground.

"(Y.... Y/N)?" he said softly as he opened his eyes. They had never been so happy to see those green eyes.

"Yes, it's me. How do you feel? I was so worried..." they said, surprised when Wind Archer chuckled softly.

"Always worrying about me. I'm fine, just tired. I...thank you both, for vanishing the shadows that were possessing me..." he said, offering a small smile to both of them.

"I didn't do anything, he was the one that..."

"No, you did. In the darkness... I could hear your voice... just for a small moment. It gave me the strength I needed"

"Thank you for being my light, (Y/N)"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now