Cyborg x reader

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For atinyirishmess. Here is the juice I promised, hope you like it!

Notes: reader will use they/them and Cyborg he/him on this one!

Some may think that robots are cold to the touch all the time, that it can be uncomfortable to hug them for a long time as one can get too cold. Specially during winter.
But they knew that wasn't the case. For them, cuddling with Cyborg was an experience unique in the world, and they enjoyed it every second. It wasn't unusual to find them cuddling in the sofa, their head resting against his chest as his arms hold them closer.

That's how they were at the moment. It had been a long day for them, and they only wanted to arrive home and relax. The cookie wasn't really expecting to see Cyborg as they arrived.

"Cyborg, what are you doing?" They asked as they left their stuff, their voice hinting how tired they were.

"I...wanted to see you" He admitted, looking at the other side as a small smile formed on his face. They smiled softly at Cyborg and quickly made their way to his side, pulling him to a hug. The cookie sighed against his chest, forgetting all that they had been dealing with during the day. He hugged them back, holding them for a few seconds.

"Can you hold me for a while?" They softly said, hiding their face on his chest. His body became warmer, and they could hear the faint sound of his fans working quicker. Without another word, Cyborg lifted them on his arms and made his way to the couch, sitting with them on his lap.

They sighed happily as they laid their head on his chest, his arms holding them gently. They soon found themselves more and more tired, and Cyborg couldn't help but laugh softly at their cute face.

"Sleep if you are tired, I'll be here" he said softly as he nuzzled their head, making the cookie smile. He didn't need to say twice, and the cookie was soon sleeping on his arms.

"Cute" Cyborg thought as they looked at them with a smile. He found himself closing his eyes, just enjoying the moment.

Moments both of them would never get tired of.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now