(Platonic) Yogurt Cream + female kid reader

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Requested by Aminehhhhhhhjjjjjjj, hope you like it!

The young cookie waved hello at the guards as she entered the palace, smiling when the usual serious guardians waved back at her.

She giggled happily as she walked down the big halls, her feet moving on their own. She knew the way to the garden perfectly after all her visits, so she didn’t really pay attention anymore.

In fact, she knew the palace like it was her second home. Considering how much time she spends there, it might be at that point.

“Yogurt!” (Y/N) exclaimed happily as she arrived at the big garden, catching the other cookie’s attention.

“(Y/N), you are here early. Sit down with me, we still have time”

The cookie nodded as she sat down in the other chair, a cup of fine tea in front of her at the moment.

“Thank you!”

The two cookies sat in silence for a moment, enjoying the company and the tea.

“I’m still surprised you convinced your parents to let you come with me” Yogurt said with a small smile, earning a small smile from the young cookie.

It was true. Being their only child, her parents were a bit protective over her. But their families had known each other for a long time, and she looked at Yogurt like some sort of big brother figure. 

That was probably the only reason why they had let her come in his journey.

“I can be pretty convincing if I want!” she said, earning a soft chuckle from him.

“Yes, of course. Wouldn’t expect anything else from you” he said before turning his gaze to Lilac, who had been near them all this time.

“Go and grab my special coat, and bring one for the young (Y/N)”

Lilac nodded, appearing with the coats in the blink of the eye.

It was something that always amazed her.

With their coats ready, Yogurt Cream smiled at the young cookie.

“Are you ready (Y/N)?”

She nodded happily, earning a soft chuckle from him.

“Great. Remember, don’t leave my side. And Lilac, if something happens I want you to protect her”

“Now let’s go find that rare treasure in the mountains!”

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now