Ananas x reader x Pitaya

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This was an anonymous request, hope the person likes it!


-As gender wasn’t specific, reader will use they/them on this one.

-Pitaya will use he/him and Ananas they/them. As it could be confused with reader, Ananas’ pronouns will be written as They and Them.

They sighed for what it seemed the 20th time that afternoon. The project they were working on had turned out to be more difficult that they thought. They were supposed to finish it in just an hour, and yet there were they. Still sitting on their room, laptop in front of them.

They blinked for a moment and realized how heavy they felt. With another sigh, they closed their eyes for a moment. "Just for a minute and then I continue" they thought as they rested their head on the table.

"Cookie?" A familiar voice suddenly said, making them open their eyes after what it seemed a minute. They blinked for a moment, ignoring whoever called them as they looked at their laptop. Only to groan as they realized they had been asleep for almost half an hour.

" had been with that for too long, cookie" the familiar voice said, and they finally turned their head to look at whoever they were. They quickly made eye contact with a pair of yellow eyes, and realized that Ananas had indeed gone to their room.

"I know, but I need to finish it" they simply said to the dragon as their gaze moved back to the screen, missing the small frown that formed on Their face.

"I know is not good for you cookies to stare at that for too long. You need a break"

"I'll be done with it soon, don't worry" they simply said, eyes never leaving the screen. But the dragon wasn't having any of that.

"...(Y/N)" They said as They put a hand on their shoulder, making them stop at the moment. The dragon only used their name in rare occasions, and half of the time was because They had something in mind.

"...yeah?" they said, looking at Them with the corner of their eye. The dragon smirked and, before they knew, they were lifted on Their arms.

"Ananas noooo, I need to finish iiiit" they said tiredly as the dragon walked to the living room. Their tired voice only made the dragon roll Their eyes.

"No. You need to rest cookie, you are too stubborn for your own good" They said, muttering the last part more to Themselves. The cookie was surprised to see Pitaya on the living room as they arrived, a blanket on his hands.

"Ah, I ssseee you were able to bring them" Pitaya said with a big toothy smile, making the cookie raise an eyebrow in confusion. Did they really planned that as they were working? The cookie said nothing as Ananas left them on the sofa, Pitaya putting the blanket around them at the moment.

"You were all day there...we thought you needed a break" Pitaya said as he sat down at their right side. Ananas nodded in agreement as They offered them their favourite drink, which they took gratefully.

"Just drink and relax cookie" They said as They sat down on their left side, an arm around their shoulders at the moment. The cookie sighed as the tension left their shoulders, relaxing even more when Pitaya started playing with their hair gently.

And before they knew, they had fallen asleep between them.
The two dragons smiled softly at their sleepy face. Neither of them moved, not wanting to wake up the cookie. And so they stayed like that, the cookie well protected between them.

After all, both dragons would always make sure they were okay.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now