Vampire cookie x female! pastel reader

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Requested by _Sanders_sides_Weeb_, hope you like it!

Two figures were in the room that afternoon. The dark colours of the clothes of one stood out with the soft colours of the other. One even might think at first gaze they were too different, but it was actually the other case. They enjoyed the other’s company, and it wasn’t unusual to find him helping the cookie with her drawings.

She smiled softly at the drawing in front of her. It was turning out good, even better than she expected originally. Her gaze moved back to her model: Vampire cookie. He really liked to be her model, as it meant do nothing for a good reason. She even thought he had fallen asleep at some point those days. The cookie liked it too, as she could look at him and hide her blushing face behind her drawing notebook.

She had fallen for him a long time ago, but found difficult to put her feelings into words. Sometimes she wished to be like Cotton Candy, grab a pen and paper and just write all that she felt for him. But she just couldn’t, and she never tried to say it aloud. For the moment, those small drawing sessions were enough for her.

“It’s done” she said softly as she added the last details. Her gaze moved back to the cookie, and she let out a small giggle when she saw he was actually sleeping. She looked at his sleepy face for a moment, a soft smile in her face. Not wanting to wake him up, she went to the next blank page of her notebook and started doodling, her mind wandering as she drew. She didn’t even realize she was drawing the two of them together.

“ finished there (Y/N)?” Vampire said with a sleepy voice after who knows how long, making the cookie look up at him.

“Yes, a while looked tired and I didn’t want to wake you up” she said with a soft tone as Vampire got up from his seat.

“Ah, thank you. Alchemist woke me up too early today” he said as he walked towards her, and she could feel her cheeks turning red as he got closer.

“Can I see it then?” he asked with his usual smile, making her smile a bit as she nodded. But, as she gave him the notebook, she realized her mistake. She had been so distracted she had forgotten to show him the correct drawing. She hid her face in her hands as Vampire chuckled softly.

“I don’t think this is the correct one, but is cute. But let me ask you (Y/N)...these small hearts all over us means you like me?” he asked, making her blush even more.

“... Maybe?” she said with the softest voice, not daring to look at him. She received a small hum in response, and suddenly a pair of lips kissed the top of her head. Surprised, she dared to move her hands a bit, enough to look at him. He offered her a soft smile, his own cheeks a light shade of red.

“I might like you to, you know?” he asked, offering the cookie a hand. A few seconds passed...and she finally put her hand on his. Vampire, smile still on his face, pulled her up gently.

“How about we talk about this with a good glass of grape juice?”

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now