Purple Yam x dragon! reader

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Requested by Hollowed_Jello, hope you like it!

Note: since any gender was fine, I went with they/them for reader on this one!

If someone was asked about their idea of dragons, they would probably say that dragons were territorial, that they would end with anyone that dared to touch their hoard, that they were solitary creatures with a superior complex, often seeing other beings as inferior.

But curiously enough, the dragon know as (Y/N) wasn't most of these. Sure, they were protective about their hoard. But they were curious about other beings, and didn't mind them wandering around as far as they weren't a threat. They even talked to some of the bravest ones that dared to approach their nest.

That braveness was what brought an unfamiliar cookie around their territory one day. They had seen the cookie from afar: purple hair and eyes, big maze on hand. The angry look on his face made them keep their guard up. But they decided to let the cookie approach for the moment, keeping a close eye every second.

"Dragon!" The cookie screamed as soon as he was near the entrance to their nest, making the dragon rise up.

"I have been told you know everyone who passed around your territory"

"I might, I might not. Who are you to ask?" The dragon said, leaning down their massive head to look at the small cookie.

"I'm searching for a cookie" he simply stated, making the dragon blink in confusion.

"A cookie, you say? I might have, I might have not" they said, earning an angry sigh from the cookie. It made the dragon amused.

"But you amuse me, and as I have seen you aren't a threat I will help you, Cookie" they said and, in a blink of an eye, the big dragon disappeared and a tall cookie occupied their place.

"Follow me, I'll tell you all I know"

Purple Yam, as he had introduced himself, left their nest a few hours later. The cookie told them that he would be around a few weeks later, and the dragon promised to keep an eye out for that "Dark Choco" cookie.
The visit passed from weeks to days before they knew Purple Yam, and the dragon found themselves enjoying the cookie's company.

"Ananas would be so mad at me if they even saw" they thought with a chuckle as Purple Yam rested against their side, now fast asleep after a long day. The dragon curled around his small form, head resting near him as one of their wings covered him.

"Rest, cookie. You are safe by my side"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now