Pitaya x reader x Ananas

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Requested by McIntyre56, hope you like it!

-As gender wasn't specific, reader will use they/them on this one.
-On this one Pitaya will use he/him and Ananas they/them. As it could be confused with reader, Ananas' pronouns will be written as They and Them.

"What are you doing?" A familiar voice asked behind, making them turn their head around. Pitaya stood next to their door, an eyebrow raised as he looked at the cookie.

"I'm just brushing my hair?" They said, a bit confused. He surely had brushed his hair at some point, right? It was so fluffy after all. To their surprise, the dragon tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"And why do you do that?" He asked as he closed the small distance between them.

"To take care of it, it makes it look better" they said as the red dragon took the brush from their hand, studying it with curiosity in his eyes. A few silent seconds passed, and an idea crossed their mind.

"Would you like me to brush your hair?"

That's how they ended on the ground behind Pitaya, his tail moving sightly to the sides as they brushed his hair carefully. For them it was a cute sight: a big powerful dragon moving happily their tail as a small cookie brushed his hair. Of course, they also enjoyed it too. His hair was as fluffy and soft as it seemed, and surprisingly it only had a few knots.

A small huff make both look up, making eye contact with the golden dragon.

"What are you doing Pitaya?" They said, glaring at the red dragon.

"Getting my hair brusssh, something you should do with yoursss" he replied with a small smirk on his face. Ananas glare intensified, and for a small moment the cookie thought they were about to fight right there. To their surprise of the dragon and the cookie, Ananas turned around with a huff.

"I don't have time for those pointless activities" They said before walking away, leaving the two of them alone.

"Assss stubborn as alwayssss" Pitaya said with a chuckle after a few seconds, and they let out the breath they had been holding. Without another word, the cookie returned to their task, making the dragon hum as his tail started moving again.

"Thanksss, cookie. I'm going to make sure you brusssh it another time" Pitaya said with a big smile, ruffling their hair for a moment before he went out of their room. A small smile formed on their face as they put their hair back in place.

"Honestly, sometimes I think he is more a dog than a dragon" they thought with a giggle as they turned around to leave the brush on its place. To their surprise, a hand grabbed their arm and stopped them. The cookie look over their shoulder, and was surprised to see Ananas there. The dragon studied their face for a few seconds, like They were debating something inside Their head.
And then, without a word, They pulled them back to the floor, the golden dragon occupying the spot where Pitaya had just been.

"My hair is better than his. You will have the honor of brushing it, tiny cookie" They said, surprising them once more. The cookie started brushing Their hair gently, and had to contain a giggle when Their tail started moving side to side.

"What are you looking at? Come on, continue" They said as They looked over the shoulder for a small second. They smiled at the dragon, and for the sake of Their pride decided not to mention how happy They seemed at that moment.

"Is this good?" They asked after a few minutes. The dragon, who had closed Their eyes, hummed in response.

"It is, continue" They said, Their voice a tone lower than usual. The small peace between them was interrupted by a soft chuckle on the door, coming from the red dragon.

"I thought you didn't have time for this "pointlesss activities", Ananassss" he said with a small smirk on his face, making the golden dragon huff.

"Well I thought they needed to see what decent hair looked like, not like yours Pitaya" They responded with a glare, making the other dragon glare back. The tension grew on the room again, and it seemed they were really about to fight.

"... Please if you fight, do it outside my house" they muttered, hoping the dragons would hear them. They didn't want their house destroyed again. Fortunately, both dragons nodded.

"See if you are faster than me Ananassss" Pitaya said with a smirk before running away. The golden dragon gasped, and wasted no time in get up and go behind the red dragon.

They sighed, grabbing the brush from the floor. So much for a peaceful afternoon.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now