Mint Choco x reader

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Requested by tteethss, hope you like ti!

Note: as gender wasn’t specific, reader will use they/them on this one!

They didn’t know how this routine had started. Going every Saturday afternoon to the square, always sitting in a nearby coffee shop. Mint Choco was always there after a few minutes, filling the square with his music soon after.

They always found themselves relaxing with his music, their eyes never leaving his figure.

Except for the few moments their eyes had met, of course. Then they became a blushing mess and looked away for a few seconds.

They couldn’t help it, those soft green eyes looking at them...the mere thought made them blush as they took their usual seat.

The owner was soon enough with their usual order, giving them a smile before going back inside.

And, as always, Mint Choco was soon there. 

He smiled at the cookies that, just like them, had been waiting for him.

And music filled the square.

This time they let themselves close their eyes, their head resting on one hand as they relaxed with the sound of the violin.

They were very unaware of the soft green eyes looking in their direction.

“Mind if I sit here?” a familiar voice said, snapping them out of their half-sleeping state.

Their eyes soon met familiar soft green ones.

“Oh! Yes, of course, take a seat!” they said as their cheeks turned red. His soft chuckle didn’t help them at all.

“I’m (Y/N)” they said as he took a seat, blushing, even more, when he smiled at them.

“It is a pleasure to meet you (Y/N). I have seen you here for a while” 

The cookie chuckle nervously.

“I...really like your music. It’s very relaxing and pretty and before I knew I was coming here to hear it” they said with a nervous smile, earning a soft chuckle from him.

“I’m glad to hear that, I want other cookies to feel happy and relaxed with my music” he said. They sent a soft smile in his direction.

“You do! It’s just lovely to hear you play”

He let out another chuckle.

“Thank you for your kind words. But enough about me, I want to know a bit more about you” he said, making them blush again.

“I...well… i don’t know what to say” they said, their gaze in their now cold drink for a moment.

“Anything you want to share, you seem like a very interesting and lovely cookie”

That didn’t help them at all.

“How about I go inside and order some sweets as you think, my treat” Mint Choco said, already standing up. It was enough to make them look up again.

“Oh! You don’t have to!” they said, only to be met by another of his smiles.

“I want to. A sweet smile needs a sweet treat to match after all”

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now