Yogurt Cream x female! Reader

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Requested by LordJulius17, hope you like it!

Flowers. Lots of flowers. It was the first thing she saw when she opened the door. "Delivery for (Y/N)!" The cookie behind the flowers said, snapping her out of her trance. She grabbed the flowers, and the delivery cookie smiled gratefully before he turned back. She went back inside carefully, her arms almost not holding all the flowers, and left them on the table. Now that she examined them, she noticed it was a bouquet with all her favourite flowers. She also noticed the small card between the flowers.

The cookie grabbed the card with one eyebrow raised, not wasting time to read it. "For the most fascinating treasure I have ever seen, YC" it read. She rolled her eyes with a smile and, leaving the card on the table, grabbed one of the flowers and smelled it.

She knew Yogurt Cream had sent her this, she knew him too well. Showering the other cookie in gifts was his form of affection after all. What she didn't know is why he had been doing that for the past weeks.

They had grown up together, as her family served his family. The two of them just...clicked when they were just small cookies and had been friends since then. But in all those years, he had never given her present like that. Of course there were the usual birthday presents and that stuff, but getting presents out of the blue...it was something new for her. She had tried to ask Yogurt about it, but every time he just smiled softly at her and ignored her question, quickly changing the conversation.

She sighed, not knowing what to do anymore. "For now, let's just put this in water"

Someone knocked on her door again an hour later. She raised an eyebrow, not expecting visit, but went quickly to the door. She was surprised to see one of the Yogurt's family maids in front of her door.

"Miss (Y/N)! I was asked to escort you to the shopping street" the cookie said with a smile, making her feel more confuse.

"What? Why?" She asked, making the maid giggle.

"Master won't let me tell you! All I can say he wants you to find something elegant and meet him afterwards!" The maid said, smile still on her face. She blinked, more confused than before, but decided to tag along. Whatever Yogurt Cream had prepared, she would need to wait.

The maid wasted no more time and quickly pulled her to the shopping street. They visited almost every shop, and the maid didn't stop until she found the clothes she liked it. "Don't worry about the price, Master is paying for everything" she had told her when she saw the actual price of the clothes, way too out of her reach. (Y/N) felt a bit guilty, but just nodded as the maid paid for them.

She was escorted to the palace afterwards, where Yogurt was waiting for her. Instead of going to the main room, she was pulled to a side room. "Master wants you to try the new clothes, and meet him in the garden afterwards. Have fun!" The maid said with a small giggle at the end before leaving her alone in the room.

(Y/N) put the clothes on, a bit astound about how soft they felt. "Of course, considering the price of this…" she thought as she left the room. She quickly made her way to the garden, already knowing her way around the palace after all those years. Her eyes opened as she arrived. In front of her was a big table with food and drinks, and Yogurt Cream was sitting at the end with some elegant clothes. He smiled at the moment, his gaze soft as he looked at her.

"Ah, (Y/N), you are finally here! Come, I have been waiting for you" he said, patting the spot next to him. She walked to him with a small smile, her heart beating fast as they made eye contact again. He gazed at her softly as she sat down, resting his head in one hand.

"What? Do I have something on my face?" She asked with an eyebrow raised, making him chuckle.

"No, I'm just contemplating the most magnificent treasure ever" Yogurt said with a smile, making her blush at the moment.

"Have you liked the presents, treasure?" He asked as he moved his other hand, grabbing hers at the moment. She could only nod at him, too lost for words.

"I'm glad. You might be want the reason behind, right?" Yogurt said, and she nodded again. He smiled softly again, and gave her and a small squeeze.

"As you know, I have all the treasures I want. Beautiful and rare jewels from all over the world. But it bothers me...the fact the most beautiful treasure I have ever seen wasn't mine" he said, making her cheeks even redder. He moved his hand from her hand to her cheek, caressing it gently as he looked into her eyes. Eyes he could get lost into and wouldn't regret it.

"So…(Y/N), the most beautiful treasure… Would you be mine?"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now