(platonic) motherly Rose + child! Reader

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Requested by Daydreaming_luna, hope you like it!

Note: as gender wasn't specific, reader will use they/them on this one!

"He is there again" the small (Y/N) thought as they watched the pink haired cookie at the other side of the square, his gaze fixed on the performance. They had thought about approaching him at some point, but their shyness prevented them of doing so.
The chorus of applause broke their thoughts, and a smile appeared on their face as they realized the performance had finished.

"There you are dear! Liked today's performance?" A familiar voice said behind them, making the small cookie turn around with a smile.

"I did!" They said, earning a soft chuckle from Rose.

"I'm glad dear", she said with a smile as she petted their head affectively, "and I'm sure you will be able to join us in no time. You have made a lot of progress"

"I have?" The small cookie asked with a bright smile, earning another chuckle from her.

"Yes, you have. You are a natural dear" she said, making them giggle happily.

Her gaze moved up before she said anything else, and they saw her soft smile turning into a confident one, the one she used when she was in a performance. The small cookie looked behind them in confusion, and found themselves face to face with the familiar pink haired cookie.
(Y/N) let out a small yelp, and soon found themselves hiding behind Rose.

"Ah, I apologize. I didn't mean to scare them"

"It's okay. They are just a bit shy, but you don't have to worry about him dear" she said, her hand patting their head in a reassuring manner. It made them feel calm, and they soon found themselves peeking from behind her and looking into the stranger's eyes.

"You are the one always looking from afar…" they said softly, making his cheeks turn pink for a moment as he looked at the other side. Rose laughed softly at the reaction.

"Yes, I have seen you a few times around. It is nice to finally speak to you…"

"...Raspberry Mousse cookie. It is my pleasure" he said, inclining his head for a moment. The gesture made the small cookie chuckle for a moment.

"I… wanted to talk to you about something, Miss Rose" he finally said, earning a small hum from her.

"Of course, but I did promise (Y/N) here that we would go to buy some sweets now. Come back tomorrow after the performance, I'm sure you already know the hour" Rose said, giving him a wink at the end. They chuckled as he turned red again. And with just a small nod, he turned around and disappeared into the crow, leaving the two of them alone.

"Let's go (Y/N) dear" she said softly, taking their hand in her as they started walking, both with a smile on the face.

Rose would never change those small moments for anything.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now