Wind Archer x reader

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Requested by IAmAToaster_27279. Hope you like it!

Note: As gender wasn't specific, reader will use they/them on this one

They had loved the forest since they were a small cookie. They used to sneak out their house every afternoon, just to go to the forest and play with the small animals that lived there. The play time changed the silent walks, a moment of peace for themselves away for all their problems.

And so there they were, taking a small stroll after a particular long day. They had been walking for a while when they heard a bush moving behind them. Being the curious cookie they were, they stopped and turned around. A pair of eyes looked at them from the bush, and they quickly realized that, whatever was looking at them, was not a habitant of this forest. And then, purple figure launched itself quickly from the bush. They turned around as quickly as the figure, and started running away from whatever was following them.

A glance of something shiny between the leaves of the trees was enough distraction for them. The small second they hadn't looked where they were running was enough to miss the big tree root. They felt to the ground with a loud sound, and the creature screamed behind them. They covered their head with their hands as they closed their eyes, expecting the worse. But the pain never came. Instead, they heard something being shot behind them, and the creature let out a pained sound. And then, silence.

They opened their eyes, and turned their head slowly to see what had happened. Their eyes widened as they saw a figure behind them, a bow on one of his hands. The figure turned his head around to look at them, the gem on his head shining. It was at that moment they realized this was the Forest's Guardian, someone everyone knew about but had never seen.

"Are you okay?" The Guardian asked, turning around completely as he approached them. "Good. It would have been bad if that fallen spirit had hurt you. You are lucky I heard you" he said, offering them a hand. They looked at it for a few seconds before they took it. He pulled them up back on their feet, his gaze still on them.

They shifted a bit nervous under his intense gaze as they let out of his hand. Had they done something wrong? Weren't they supposed to be on that part of the forest?

"I had seen you before" the guardian finally said, breaking their panic thoughts. They blinked at him, confused. They didn't remember seeing him around.

"Yes, I remember now. You are the cookie that always come at afternoon and help the habitants of this forest in need" the guardian said, a small smile forming on his face.

They blushed a bit, smiling at him nervous. "I just really like the forest and if I can help to preserve its beauty…well, I do what I can" they said, a little embarrassed. They really thought no one was looking all those time.

The guardian smiled at them again.

"I didn't introduce myself, did I? I'm Wind Archer, guardian of this forest" he said. They were about to introduce themselves when the guardian looked up, his eyes closed in concentration.

"It seems another fallen spirit is nearby. You should go now…"

"(Y/n). My name is (y/n)" they said, receiving a nod from Wind Archer.

"You should go (y/n). But I look forward to seeing you tomorrow" he said and just in a blink, he was gone.

They quickly made their way back home, their heart pounding on their chest. They couldn't wait until tomorrow.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now