Ananas x reader

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Requested by 06jasdaz87248, a fellow dragon lover. Hope you like it!

Note: as gender wasn't specific, reader will use they/them on this one

Earning a dragons respect was something considered impossible. Dragons were prideful creatures after all, and they considered cookies as inferior creatures. So when (Y/N) started serving the geomancer dragon, they never expected to earn the dragons respect.

Ananas was a prideful dragon after all, and reminded the small cookie they were superior every time they could. But as they made their way to the nest, they realized those type of comments had decreased after the last earthquake.

That day they had been doing their usual chores inside the nest, pineapplemur following them happily as they worked. The small pet had taken a liking to them, and followed around when it could. They didn't mind, to be honest, and even found funny how different the pet was from its owner.

They gasped as the ground started shaking suddenly, quickly doing the small rocks that were falling from the nest's ceiling. Pineapplemur let out a small cry, and before they knew they had thrown themselves to the ground, quickly pulling the pet to their chest protectively. The distraction was enough to make them miss the giant rock that came off from the ceiling. They saw it when it was too late, and they could only close their eyes as they hugged protectively the small pet.

But to their surprise, it never came. They were sure they heard the rock destroyed against the ground, but they never felt the pain they were expecting. The cookie opened one of their eyes carefully, and almost gasped in surprise when they saw the yellow dragon in front of them, their staff shining lightly.

Ananas turned their head sightly, looking at them with the corner of their eyes.

"You are lucky I was around, small cookie" the dragon said. They nodded in response, not really trusting their voice had that moment, as they got up. Pineapplemur jumped from their arms to its master, who petted the small lemur with what seemed a smile. They couldn't tell, as it only lasted a second.

"You are free for today cookie"

That was the last thing the dragon had told them that day, leaving the cookie confused as they made their way back home. Now that they thought about it, even their usual chores had changed a bit. They were very curious about the sudden changes, but wouldn't dare to ask the dragon in fear of making them angry.

Ananas wasn't there when they arrived to the nest, but Pineapplemur was. The small pet quickly jumped to their shoulder, nuzzling against their cheek happily. They giggled softly, petting the lemur gently. "Where is your master little one?" They asked the pet.

"Right here" a familiar voice said behind them, almost making them jump right there in surprise. They turned around to meet the dragon, their tall form towering as ever. Their eyes met for a small fraction of second, but (Y/N) quickly looked to the ground.

The dragon took a few steps, closing the distance between them, a small smirk on their face. One of their hands moved to their chin, lifting it so they would make eye contact.

"Still afraid of me, small cookie~?" They said, smirk bigger as a small blush appeared on the cookie's face.

"I...don't want to disrespect you, Mx" the small cookie said, making the dragon hum for a moment.

"You won't. You have earned my respect after all" the dragon said, making them froze in place. How that happened? How was that even possible? Sensing the cookie's confusion, the dragon continued. "You were stupid enough to protect my pet before you that day, and the rest of cookies wouldn't waste a second to ran away. For that, you have my respects" the dragon said with a serious look as they looked into the cookie's eyes. It made them realized that yes, the dragon was serious about it.

" an honor" they finally said, making the dragon smirk again.

"Of course it is. Now come small one, I need you to do something" the dragon said as they let go their face. The cookie stood in place for a moment, still shocked by the fact they had the dragon's respect. Ananas stopped and looked over their shoulder.

"Are you coming or are you staying there the rest of the day?" They said with a huff, making them finally react. They quickly ran to their side as the dragon rolled their eyes at them.

They followed the dragon in silence, their head still a mess.

They didn't know why, but they were somehow happy they earned their respect.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now