(Part 2) Ananas x female! Reader

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This second part was requested by McIntyre56, hope you like it!

Note: you should read the first one to understand this better

Realizing she was falling for the dragon just made her work extra hard. The dragon continued teasing her. In fact, she swore the teasing had only increased the last days. She even felt their yellow eyes follow her every move when she was there.

Of course, that only made her more nervous as she worked, her heart beating faster and her cheeks sightly red. But all those feelings...she kept it to herself. There was no way she was going to tell the golden dragon about that. "No, they are only doing it because they find my reactions amusing. Curse me and my weak heart" she thought as she let out a sigh. It didn't mean she could just...stop feeling like that. But she would just...wait for them to disappear.

That was the plan, even if her feelings just grew stronger and stronger. She just ignored them as she continued working, as they continued teasing her. She just continued. And, for a moment, it almost seemed her plan was working. At least until one day.

She had just finished what Ananas told her to do, and she actually felt happy with her work. "Yes, they will be happy with this for sure" she thought to herself with a smile, walking towards where her small backpack was. She opened it and grabbed with a smile her favourite drink, deciding to reward herself a bit for her hard work.

But something snatched the bottle before she could even open it. Surprised, she looked to the ground, and found a small monkey, her bottle between its hands.

"Hey, is rude to take things from others you know? Give it back" she said, kneeling in front of the small animal. The monkey just looked at her for a few seconds, and then sprint outside the room.

"Hey! Come back here right now!" She said, following the monkey quickly. She ran behind the monkey for a few minutes and, for a small moment, she almost got her hands on the small thief. But her hopes were quickly crashed. Literally, as she suddenly crashed into someone, and the two of them fell to the ground.

"I'm sorr…" she said, but fell silence once she saw who she had crashed into. Two yellow eyes looked at her from the ground, and she already fell her cheeks red.

"I'm so sorry Mx! It's my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going" she said, quickly raising from the ground. To her surprise, the dragon just chuckled as they raised themselves from the ground, dusting the invisible dirt for a moment.

"Finally fallen for me, mhm~?" The dragon finally said, making her heart skip another beat. The dragon chuckled again as they approached her, raising her chin, so they would make eye contact.

"Usually, I wouldn't let the cookie go away. But since it was you, and you apologized so nicely...I will let it go this time" they said, a small smirk on their face as they looked at the cookie.

"T-thank you, Mx" she said, silently cursing for how her voice sounded. The dragon hummed, smirk still on their face. They looked at her for a few seconds, almost like they were considering something.

"Cookie", they said, finally breaking the silence, "from now on, I let you the honor of calling me just Ananas. Only you can do it, understand?" they said, leaning a bit. Her blush intensified, and she could only nod at the dragon.

"Good" they said. For a moment she thought they were finally letting her go. And then, a pair of lips kissed her cheek quickly.

The dragon pulled away as she put one hand on her cheek, processing what had just happen. The smirk on their face as she looked at them confirmed her that, in fact, the dragon had just kissed her cheek.

"You are free to go for today… (Y/N)" they said, leaving the cookie alone on the corridor. She almost fell to the ground, her heart beating like crazy. She quickly went to grab her backpack and made her way to her home, her thoughts a big mess as she walked.

She found her favourite drink on her porch the next morning.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now