Mint Choco x female! Reader

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Requested by Lexi on Discord. Hope you like it

The last week had felt eternal for her. Days passed slower than usual, and it seemed like the weekend would never arrived. But it was finally here, and she couldn't been more excited. She had been all day getting ready for her date: a small picnic near the lake. When she was ready, she made a double check of everything. "Let's see… blanket check, drinks check, candies check…" she thought, but was interrupted by a knock on her door.

She smiled brightly, knowing it was her date, and ran to the door with the basket. She checked herself on the mirror for a second, and opened the door. Her cheeks went red as she saw the cookie in front of her. Mint Choco, dressed as elegant as usual, smiled gently at her.

"Hello dear. Are you ready?" He asked, his voice making her heart beat faster. She nodded with a smile. 

"Then shall we go my dear?" He asked, offering her a hand. She put her hand on his, her cheeks even more red, and they started walking down the street. They talked on their way, Mint Choco telling her some funny stories from some of his past concerts and making her laugh. She was enjoying the moment so much that she missed the soft gaze he had as he looked at her.

They arrived to the lake, where no one was around fortunately, and set up the picnic blanket under a tree. They continued talking as they ate, enjoying the others company and the peace the place gave. But after some minutes, she noticed a familiar violin case near the picnic basket. 

"You brought your violin?" She asked Mint Choco, who let out a soft chuckle.

"Yes I did. I thought you noticed" he said with a small smile. She blushed, realizing she had been so happy to be with Mint Choco she never saw the violin case. 

Mint Choco smiled fondly at her, and moved his hand to the case. He opened it, bringing out his trusted violin and offering her another smile.

"I composed a new song. I want you to be the first one to hear it" he said with a wink before he started playing. She smiled, a small blush on her cheeks as he played. And after a few seconds, she closed her eyes, concentrating on it and what it told her. It was a soft tune, and reminded her of the songs romantic movies usually have. She opened her eyes as he finished, clapping with a big smile at the violinist.

"Is very lovely Mint Choco!" She said, and the violinist smiled.

"I hoped so. It was inspired by you, I wanted it to be as lovely as you are my dear" he said with a soft smile. She blinked for a moment, processing the words. And then blushed furiously. Mint Choco laughed and, leaving the violin back in its case, brought a hand to her cheek.

"My dear...would you be my muse?"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now