(Part 2) captain ice x reader

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Requested by BLACEPHAL0N, hope you like it!

Note: reader use they/them!

Just a few days had passed since their night meeting, and the cookie felt themselves grow more and more nervous.

It didn't help how Captain Ice seemed to look in their direction more often. How their gazes met every time they passed each other in the hallways.

And it definitely didn't help the soft smile she had given them the day they returned her coat.

It was in their mind all day and night.

So deep in thoughts, the cookie became unaware of their surroundings.

They were so unaware that they accidentally collapsed with someone as they turned one of the many corners of the ship.

The cookie let out a yelp, feeling themselves fall backwards slowly…

Until a hand grabbed their wrist, pulling them up and preventing their fall.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was… going…"

Their voice lowered as they finally looked up at the other cookie, only to meet the familiar light blue eyes of Captain Ice.

"It's fine, just be more careful in the future" she said, and they could only nod in return.

The cookie didn't trust their voice at that moment.

Giving them a small nod, Captain Ice continued her way down the hallway, leaving the cookie with their thoughts again.

"Oh, and (Y/N)?"

"Y-yes Captain?"

"As you know, we are stopping tomorrow to restock. If I remember correctly, we should be on time for the local festivities"

"I was hoping you could accompany me"

The cookie felt their cheeks warm once again, a shy smile forming on their face.

"... I would love to, yes" they said, earning a smile from Captain Ice.

"It is settled then. I will see you tomorrow, dear"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now