Plum x reader

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Requested by Shelyn_De_Florence. Tried to do it as fluffy as I could, hope you like it!

Note: as gender wasn't specific, reader will use they/them on this one.

One of the things they admire the most from Plum was his diligence, how hardworking he was. It could bother others, but not them. After all, it was a great opportunity to watch him as he trained. They just never got tired of seeing his face as he concentrated, how his movements were elegant and quick, but how also he put a lot of force to them and the small pout his mouth formed when he missed one move.

They snapped out of their trance, their cheeks red and their heart beating fast. "I really need to stop doing that" they thought, knowing deep down that it was probably impossible. Their gaze went back to Plum, who was training just a few feet away. Their gazes meet for a small second, and they smiled, making Plum break the eye contact as he blushed. They giggled at the gesture, their heart skipping a beat for a moment.

Master Prune decided it was enough training an hour later, dismissing his student with a small smile. Plum walked to where they were sitting, and they offered him a small drink.

"Good job today" they said with a small smile, making his cheek red. He muttered a small thank you as they took the offered drink, sitting immediately at their side. A comfortable silence found its way between them, the other's presence enough for both of them.

They sighed happily after a few minutes, leaning against Plum. He tensed at the sudden touch, his cheeks turning red. It didn't help the fact that they looked up to them with a gentle smile, making his heart skip a beat. He looked at the ground and, after a few seconds, he put an arm around them hesitantly. They giggled softly at the gesture and got themselves comfortable against his side, closing their eyes as they relaxed.

It gave Plum the opportunity to look at them. He could feel his cheek turning more red as he looked at their relaxed face, at the soft smile that adorned their face, at how the sunset sun reflected on their hair. It wasn't easy for him to express all of that, and he was grateful they could read him so well.

But even if they were okay with that, he felt he should try to get better, just for them. He took a few depth breaths, trying to calm himself for a second.

"(Y/N)" he finally said, earning a hum from said cookie. He gulped internally as he tried really hard to not look away.

"Could...could you look at me for a second?" He muttered with a nervous voice. They looked up to him, a small smile on their face. It made him gulp again. But he wasn't going to turn back on his decision now.

To their surprise, Plum lowered his head to them as he closed his eyes. Their lips met on a soft and gentle kiss, and they closed their eyes.

He looked at them with a soft gaze as they pulled apart, both of their cheeks red.

"I...I love you" he said softly. They looked at him for a small second before smiling brightly. They knew he loved them, buy hearing it always make their legs go jelly.

They threw themselves to him with a giggle, almost making them fall from the bench they were sitting. "Hey!" Plum said, quickly putting his arms around them as he prevented their fall.

"I love you too!" They said. Plum gave them a small soft smile as he pulled them closer. Silence appeared again, but it was okay. No more words were needed between them after the small exchange. They knew the other loved them, and they loved them back.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now