Adventure x reader

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Requested by Shelyn_De_Florence, hope you like it!

Note: as gender wasn't specific, reader will use they/them on this one.

"This wasn't a good idea" they thought as they followed Adventure Cookie closely. When they agreed to go with him to a small expedition, they weren't expecting to go to a freaking temple. They almost turned around at the beginning but, for some strange reason, they didn't. "Just stay close and step where I step! There might be some traps around here, so we need to be careful" Adventure said with a confident smile. That smile reminded them why they came in the first place.

It got darker as they walked inside the temple, the only light being the lamp Adventure always carried. The darkness made them feel nervous, and they swore they could see something watching them from the other side of the room. Their gaze moved to said side every few minutes but never found something.

"This is silly, I should just look at Adventure and follow his steps" they thought, trying to calm themselves.

But in one of those moments they made eye contact with something. They didn't know what it was, but its eyes were red. They hold their breath for a few seconds, neither of them moving. And then, the mysterious eyes launched towards them. They let out a surprise yelp as a bat crashed against their face, sending them to the ground a few steps to the side.

"(Y/N)! Are you okay?!" Adventure said, coming quickly to their side. They let out the breath they were holding and nodded at the cookie, who sighed in relieve.

"Here, let me help you" he said, offering them a hand which they took grateful. A small "click" sounded as they got up, and both looked into each other eyes for some tense seconds. They had accidentally activate a trap. Without a word, Adventure started running towards the next room, pulling them with him by the hand. The floor started collapsing behind them at a rater quick pace, and they internally panicked as the entrance of the next room started closing.
"Slide!" Adventure screamed as they approached the almost close room. Both slid in the floor, enough to pass under the big door.

They laid on the ground as the door finally closed behind them, catching their breath. Adventure laughed softly after a few seconds and sat down.

"Wow, that was so awesome!" He said. They rolled their eyes at him from the ground.

"Adventure, we could have fall there, and who knows what was under the floor...or that if there was anything" they said, a shiver down their back as they thought about it.

"I know, but what is an adventure without a bit of risk?" He said with a confident smile as he got up. He approached them and, once again, offered them a hand. They sighed, but gave him a small smile before taking his hand.

"Also remember that you are with the greatest adventure around here" he said, giving their hand a reassuring squeeze and a gentle smile.

"And I promise that while I am here, you will never get hurt"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now