(platonic) Raspberry + child reader

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Requested by daydreaming_luna, hope you like it!

Note: this is a second part of the motherly rose + child reader. It is not necessary to read it to enjoy this one, but check it out if you can!

Also, reader will use they/them on this one!

The small cookie didn’t know in what moment they had got separated from Rose. They were sure they had been grabbing her hand the whole time but, before they had known,  the famous dancer wasn’t there anymore.

(Y/N) walked down the actually busy street, their eyes looking everywhere for Rose. But all the other tall cookies blocked their view, and the young cookie felt they would never find her. At least not by themselves, the help of an adult would probably be nice.

“But… if I tell them I’m looking for Rose they might bother her later” they thought with a sigh, unsure of what to do.

The answer came by a familiar voice from behind.

“...You were (Y/N), right?” 

The young cookie turned around and met a familiar pair of pink eyes. They recognized him at the moment, and somehow felt relieved he had found them. 

(Y/N) give him a nod.

“I… thought you would be with Rose. Isn’t she with you?” Raspberry asked as he looked around, confusion in his eyes.

“...I got separated from her and I can’t find her” they said with a sad tone, gaze on the ground.

To their surprise, the swordsman kneeled in front of them, a soft smile on his face.

“Would you like me to help you?”

The young cookie walked happily at his side, their hand on his to make sure they didn’t get lost again. They discovered that he was actually good company, even if he was a bit serious. (Y/N) decided they liked him.

“(Y/N)!” a voice said suddenly, making both of them turn around. A worried Rose was soon at their side, and they were quickly pulled into a hug.

“I was so worried dear”

“I’m sorry… but I’m fine. Raspberry helped me!” They said as they broke the hug, pointing at a now blushing Raspberry.

“Thank you, Raspberry Mousse” Rose said with a soft smile, making the other blush a bit more.

“It… was nothing” he said, looking at the other side. Rose laughed softly at his reaction before her attention moved back to them.

“We will both be more careful in the future. Now, how about we go and get some ice cream?” She said softly, chuckling as their eyes sparkled.

“Care to join us? Is the least I can do”

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now