Knight x male! reader

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Requested by SweaterWeatherButGay, hope you like it!

“(Y/N) please, slow down” a tired Knight said behind him, just earning a giggle from the other cookie.

“I can’t. It’s very important we are there on time!” he said with a smile, making the knight sigh behind him.

“I don’t even know how you convinced me to go...wherever we are going”

If (Y/N) was honest, he didn’t know how he convinced the serious knight so easily. He had been planning this small surprise for a while, never really knowing if he would agree to go with him. After all, it was rare for him to leave the princess’ side.

He had the suspicion the said princess had convinced the knight to take a break that night. (Y/N) made the mental note of thanking her the next day.

“Because you need a break and you know I’m right” he said as he stopped, his smile bright as he turned around to face Knight. 

Knight was glad it was night and the darkness hid the redness of his face.

“Now close your eyes! It’s a surprise” 

Knight sighed, a smile present on his face as he did so. As his eyes closed, the other cookie took one of his hands on his, heart skipping a beat for a moment. (Y/N) loved how their hands just… fit perfectly. Like they were made for each other. He would never get tired of it.

The two cookies walked in silence for a while and, after a few minutes, they finally stopped.

“You can open your eyes now” he said softly, smiling as Knight’s eyes sparkled at the moment.

He had taken him to a secluded spot he knew, one where fireflies appeared every beginning of the summer.

“Do you like it?” (Y/N) said softly, earning a soft smile from the other.

“Yes beautiful. Thank you for bringing me here” Knight said, his voice softer. The other cookie smiled, giving his hand a small squeeze as he looked around.

A familiar pair of lips made contact with his cheek after a few seconds, eyes quickly meeting blue ones once again.

“Thank you… for being there for me”

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now