Millennial tree x hurt! Reader

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This is an Anonymous, hope the person likes it!

Note: as gender wasn't specific, reader will use they/them on this one!

The idea of taking a small stroll around the forest didn't look bad that morning. But now that they were being followed by some fallen spirits, they really regret the moment they thought about it. And if the situation wasn't bad enough, they had gotten lost along the way. When the spirits had appeared they just ran in the first direction they could after all.

"First get the spirits lost (Y/N), later you will find your way out for sure" was their only thought at that moment.

But they were getting more and more tired as time passed. And to their dismay, the trees and bushes around them were only getting denser and denser, making more difficult to see the way.

One unseen tree root was enough to make them fall, and it was enough for the fallen spirits to finally catch up. They tried their best to defend themselves, but they knew it was a lost fight.

But to their surprise, the fallen spirit suddenly stopped. They looked just behind them, somehow scared. And before the cookie knew, they had run away.

"Uh" was the only thing they could say as they sat on the ground, looking at the way the spirits had left. What would they just do that after all?
A hand on their shoulder answered their question, and they soon found themselves looking into a pair of greenish eyes.

"Are you okay, young one?" The tall cookie who was kneeling just behind them asked. The world turned dark before they could answer.

"Someone is humming" was the first thing they noticed when they woke up. It felt… nice someone. It made them want to just let their eyes closed and sleep again.

But they knew they shouldn't do that. After all, they didn't remember what had happened. And they didn't know where were they.
And so they finally open their eyes, a soft groan leaving their mouth at the sudden light.

"I see you are awake young one. How are you feeling? I did my best to treat your injuries, but I might have missed something" A familiar voice asked, and they soon found themselves looking into those greenish eyes again.

"I'm… fine. Tired, but fine" they said, earning a smile from the mysterious cookie.

"I'm glad. You suddenly blacked out after I found you, and I was worried" the cookie said as they sat down, a small blush on their face as they realized their head had been on his lap all the time.

"Do not worry about the spirits that followed you. My faithful guardian is looking for them, so you don't have to worry. In the meantime, I'll be happy to keep you company" he said with a soft smile. They couldn't help but smile back.

"Thank you, um…"

"Millennial Tree. I'm the Protector of this Forest" he said, making them smile again.

"I'm (Y/N). Thank you for saving me "

"It was nothing. Now, you mind if I ask some questions? Is been a long while since I got out of this forest"

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now