(platonic, part 2) Fire Spirit + little sister! Reader

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Requested by Newsgirl22, hope you like it!

Her brother had taken her that morning to the city as Pitaya was away and, at some point, they had gotten separated between the big crowd of cookies. She had been looking for him for a good few minutes, but between all the cookies and her small height compared to them, she couldn’t find her brother.

(Y/N) was able to escape the crowd after a few minutes, her small legs taking her far away from there. She found herself near the forest before she knew, tired and scared.

“Big bro... Where are you?” she thought, the tears she had been containing finally falling from her eyes. (Y/N) didn’t know what to do at that moment. How she would be able to find her brother? Would she ever go back home? Will she be ever lost?

Her thoughts were interrupted by a hand on top of her head, a relaxing presence at her side at the moment. She looked up in confusion, blinking as she looked at the familiar cookie.

“...you are a bit far away from home, aren’t you?”

The small cookie could only nod at the forest guardian as she dried her tears.

“I was… with big bro but then I got lost… and I can’t find him anywhere” she said with a soft voice, earning a small hum from Wind Archer.

“Knowing him… he will probably come here to ask for help. We should stay here, I’m sure he will come soon” he said with a soft smile, calming the young cookie. She nodded in agreement, trusting the forest guardian. He and his brother were friends after all, so she trusted him.

“In the meantime… have you ever heard the forest’s tails?”

Just as Wind Archer predicted, Fire Spirit was around the forest an hour later, worried printed all over his face. Though it went away the moment he and (Y/N) made eye contact


“Big bro!”

The young one ran to the legendary cookie, throwing herself to him. Fire Spirit caught her at the moment, pulling her to a close hug.

“I was so worried… the moment I saw you weren’t at my side I got scared”

“I’m sorry…”

“It’s not your fault little Ember. You did the correct thing, running from the crowd and staying at one place” he said softly as they broke the hug, a hand ruffling her hair. His eyes then meet Wind Archer, and he smirked at him.

“I knew you would come here sooner or later” he said, making Fire Spirit roll his eyes

“Yeah yeah… thank you for staying with her”

“My pleasure”

The two legendaries said their goodbyes, and Fire Spirit started his way back to the Dragon’s Valley with a now half-sleep cookie on his arms. He smiled softly at her.

If something ever happened to her… he didn’t know what would he do.

He was really glad she was okay.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now