Hero x male! Reader

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Requested by BloopieBloopBloop, hope you like it!

"Thank you, come back another day!" The cookie said as he went out of the shop, a small bag now on his hands. "I sure hope he likes it" he thought as he started walking back to his house, a small smile forming on his face. He and Hero had been friends for a long while, though he wanted to be more than that if he was honest with himself.

At first, he didn't really consider telling him, afraid he didn't return the feelings and their friendship would end. But as time passed he realized it was too difficult to hide his feelings. He found himself blushing at every little touch, looking at Hero when he was working and smiling at his concentration face. That's how he ended up buying a small present for Hero. He didn't think he could keep it a secret anymore, and after a few days thinking about it, he thought that the present was the best way to confess.

The sound of screaming made him stop on his tracks, and some cookies passed running by his side at the moment. "...oh no. We are being attacked" he thought in panic as smoke started coming out of nearby buildings and the sound of metal against metal sounded. Without a second thought he turned around and started running as fast as he could, the sound of destruction only growing behind him. At some point he made the mistake of looking back, only to find a giant rock coming in his direction quickly.

"Watch out!" A voice said, and he found himself lifted in someone else arms just before the rock could hit him.

"Are you okay?" The cookie asked, and he finally realized who he was: the mysterious superhero that protected the town. He could only nod, still a bit shocked by the events, but it was enough answer for the superhero.

"Good. Stay here (Y… I mean, citizen. I will take care of this" he said as he left the cookie in a nearby rooftop, away from the danger. The cookie nodded and, without another word, the superhero flew back to where the enemy was.

The cookie observed everything from afar and, after a long and intense battle, the hero finally defeated the enemy.

"Nothing happened to you, right?" The hero said as he finally flew back to the rooftop.

"Yes I'm... I'm fine. Just a bit shaken" he said, and he swore he heard the hero sigh in relief.

"Can't say the same from my present I guess" he muttered with a sigh, his gaze on the big rock in the street. He had let go of the bag, and he was 100% sure it had been crushed.
"Was it something important?" The hero asked, and a small smile formed on his face.

"In some sort, yes. It wasn't something expensive, just a small something for my crush..." he said with a small sigh, unaware how the hero's body tensed for a moment.

"He is just so amazing and I finally gathered the courage to confess but I guess the universe didn't want me to…" he said, his smile turning into a sad one for a moment.

"Ah sorry, I shouldn't be talking about my problems just like that. Thank you for saving me again" he said, and the hero smiled behind his suit.

"It wasn't a problem (Y… I mean, citizen. And...just go and confess. You won't go anywhere with hiding your feelings" he said, and the cookie swore his voice sounded kind of broken for some reason.

"I...I will. I should go now, he is probably waiting for me. I promised I will help him build a new PC today" he said and, with a quick move, kissed the hero's suit before running to the stairs.

Hero stayed still for a moment, blush forming on his face for a moment. And then it clicked. He was the one who asked him for help with a PC. His heart skipped a beat at the thought that maybe, just maybe, he really returned the feelings. And so he quickly flew back to his house, a big smile on his face. He really hoped that was the case.

(Book 1, closed) Cookie Run (Ovenbreak) x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now