Chapter 35 : In the Janitor's Closet

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My heart was frantic for breath, my legs felt weak, my heart ached and all I wanted to do was cry till the world ended. I felt so weak and so helpless but I knew this was not the place, the time and the situation, the crowd had more or less dispersed after Ashton left, but the people present were staring at me intently, and I failed miserably to move the very moment.

I knew I would fall down if I even took a step, but I also knew that I couldn't stay here anymore, I won't be able to stop my tears any more, I just won't. And I knew a minute more and it would mean my doom.

The entire time that I was standing there I was looking down at my shoes; and I realized that only when I looked up and came face to face with the only person I wouldn't want to. At least not now when I was at my weakest, not now when all I wanted to do was break down, not now when I was too ashamed to face even myself.

There, was Cole standing right in front of me, though at a considerable distance that if I still wanted I could make a run for it. His face was blank and I couldn't read anything.

And hence without further thoughts, I hold myself up, and mustering all the courage I could gather I take the first step to walk away from here. I keep my face straight and walk inside to get a free space for myself, because I definitely wasn't in the situation to attend a single class.

The moment I enter the school building I hear another round of commotion and wolf whistling as I walk, I hear them talk incessantly probably about me and Ashton but I wanted to care less. I knew it was just the beginning, and there was no stopping Ashton now that he has started this all over again.

I increase my pace as the tears become increasingly uncontrollable, making my way from in between the students and the lockers and the alleyway only to find somewhere I can be alone.

I wanted to go back home, but my ride here was Cole and the last thing that I would do is ask Cole a ride back home. I feel my eyes water and the hot tears trace their way down through my cheeks at my own helplessness and before I convulsed right there my eyes land on a Janitor's closet, and before anyone caught me crying I try to make my way inside but before I could even open the damn door, I am abruptly and unexpectedly pulled back and turned, due to which I collide with something hard, or let's say somebody...

I see up only to see Cole standing there in front of me... I hear somebody's footsteps and so does he as he pulls me inside the Janitor's closet, and locks the door from within before I even know it. It was completely dark and after some fiddling he switches on the light.

He turns around to face me, and just like previously his face was blank, completely devoid of emotions but his stare was hard and intense. Unable to meet it anymore I look away... I feel him walk towards me before he lifts my chin up slowly. A tear falls down from my eye and on realizing that I was crying I try to dry them off, to wipe them away. I did not want to be weak and helpless and crying my eyes out in front of Cole. I just didn't.

"By wiping your tears you can't wipe away the scars as well," he says unexpectedly and grabs my wrists to stop me from ruthlessly rubbing the tear stains from my face. His was serious and I knew that.

Just as unexpectedly I ask him, "Why are you here Cole??"

He looks taken aback at this, and raises his eyebrows.

"I mean why you are HERE Cole? WHY?? Aren't you supposed to treat me like a slut after what I just did?? Aren't you supposed to hate me, turn your back away from me and leave me in my own misery? Aren't you supposed to make out with another cheerleader girl in front of me to make me feel all jealous and pretend you never knew me? Aren't you going to do just that right now? Don't you think that I am just another liar who told you just last night that I wasn't dating him and here I am kissing the hell out of the same guy? ...Then why are you here COLE??? JUST WHY??" I say all of this in one shot and therefore begin gasping for breath. With tears all over my face I look up at him, only to see his conflicted face.

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