Chapter 25 : 'Hey Diary...'

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Sitting crossed leg on the edge of my bed, I was replaying yesterday's event again and again in my head.

It has been quite a long since my talk with mom, and it was almost dark now. I was feeling a bit heavy after my conversation with mom, and no matter how much I tried I wasn't able to get rid of the uneasy feeling that I was feeling. I hug the pillow that I was holding even tighter.


I feel something sharp press on my stomach and it hurt. I remove the pillow and on feeling it on top of my casual shirt I realize that it is nothing but my locker key. Not the school locker but another one that I have at home, my personal locker which no one has ever had access to.

Whenever I thought about the locker a strange happiness filled me. Whether it was because of the peace that the locker in itself gave me or the fact that no one knew about it not even Ashton, I do not know. All I care about is the locker.

I hurriedly make my way to my walk in closet and start to look for it. It takes me around ten minutes to actually find the locker as it was kept well hidden beneath my oldest rack of clothes, and I had taken all possible measures to make sure no one recognized it. And to top it all I always placed the keys to my locker on the chain that I wore around my neck and it stayed there with me all the time.

In normal circumstance if anyone happened to see the key around my neck they would easily get it mixed with a pendant because of its design. And in all honesty it was the best part about it. I heard about it once when I was travelling, from my uncle and couldn't help but get it. Then I did not know that this lock and key would be so very useful for me.

I place the locker on my bed carefully. It was quite heavy and it felt like decades since I had seen it last. I place the key on the key hole and it clicks open. There were a lot of things inside which I did not want to look at, at all.

Therefore, I look for the one thing that I wanted to see since the beginning, shifting all the rest of the things aside. My eyes land on the very old looking diary. It was a childhood diary and I wrote in there on extreme cases only. It was gifted to me by mom when I had written the first word of my life. It was very special to me and maybe therefore it was successful in making its way into my locker.

I flip to a fresh page and taking my pen, with which I always wrote in that diary I write,

Date: 13th April' 2019

Day: Saturday

Time: 9:00pm

Posture: Sitting on my bed with my locker after a long time

Mood: Sad and confused after a conversation with mom

Hey Diary,

I know it is a long time after which I am remembering you but I swear I missed you. Now getting to the point, :( :(

It is ironical how our parents do not give our life a damn when we need them to, but then when everything seems to be balanced once again, they tend to want to interfere. When I had needed my parents back before, they did not have time for me. They were too busy to notice that I existed then, they did not care at all. It is only this year, when I have finally started to handle my stuffs myself that they think they need to enter my goddamn life. I know it sounds stupid or childish, but my mom never gave a damn before, of where I spend my night, why today then when it is for a good reason unlike any other day, when I am not being tortured or molested or hurt by anyone. Why today??

Though it was not even a discussion with mom as I do not argue with her, it still hurt a bit and I do not know why. I have respected them no matter what, and I will forever.

Now that I think back to it, I realize that I never ever said a 'NO' to my parents. I did everything they asked me too. I was never a truant but still I never ever disobeyed them. They could have been harsh on me at times, with their strict disciplinary measures and rules and regulations and stuffs, but unless and until I could avoid it I never disobeyed a DIRECT order from them. I might not have been the best of daughters but what happened and is still happening, the blame goes to them, though I might never say it on their faces.


I had read this quote a long time back but I never stopped ever to ponder but now that I think of it, I realize how much truth this statement holds. Though I thought I will never double cross my parents but withholding everything, there was and there is very little I can ever do about it.

Chloe Armel


P.s.: Just smile because for that you don't need money but only a face :) :)


Hey Everyone!! This is my next update (P.s. I know it is a lot early) on a special request from one of my readers who motivated me to publish or let's say forced me to, for which I am glad. I am really thankful to #deeppti.

Go ahead and follow her because she is a great reader and this chapter is dedicated to her. 

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