Author's Note

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Hello Readers/ Writers/ & Friends,

I am Surls, you can also call me Ibharus. I started reading books in wattpad in 2016, because a friend of mine recommended me to do so. At that time many of my friends used to read books in wattpad. But I was new to it. The strange thing is the same friend who recommended me to use wattpad, also inculcated within me the habit to read. My collection of books till date are only as a result of her fabulous choices. And I am really thankful to her.

In 2017 around the month of February I decided to not just write anonymously but also publish it in wattpad. And hence I came up with the idea of this book. If I am not wrong then I a first published on the 12th of February, 2017. This habit of writing was also due to that great friend of mine, whom I would like to thank once again. 

Anyways, there came a point of time, when the computer in which I used to write and publish stopped working and that led to around a year or more of me not publishing at all. For which I am extremely sorry. 

Then in 2020 I read a book Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. This book made me realize what I was missing by not writing. And it is then I decided to start my story afresh. I did not delete it completely and republish it because I had promised my readers that I would definitely continue and complete this book. 

Therefore when I started writing again, I removed all of the chapters owing to the fact that I wanted to make some changes and I started publishing from the very start.

2020 is over and we all have stepped onto 2021 and I am glad and happy to say I have not stopped publishing since then, unless you count the pause that had taken place owing to my exams and projects.

I wish and pray that this story now will only stop once I have completed it. For which I will also need the support of my readers.

No it is your choice whether you still want to read this story and give me another chance. Because I am sure that I am not going to disappoint anyone this time. 

I would like to conclude by thanking all of you for all the love and support that you provided me with up till now. And also I hope that I will be getting even more support in the remainder part of my journey while writing this story.

Thanking You.
Yours sincerely,

P.S. : This story belongs to me, and no one is allowed to copy it or plagiarize. 

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