Chapter 21: The Splashes and The Twirls

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I walk towards the swimming pool in the backyard. I feel ecstatic at a whole new level. After the small exchange between me and Cole I feel giddy in an entirely new way.

I enter the backyard and find Andre and Valentino already in the swimming pool. On seeing me they ask me to enter the pool. A sudden exhilaration makes its way in Andre's face and I am left to wonder why. Shooting off that thought from my mind I enter the swimming pool. The moment I enter I find myself forcefully dipped into the swimming pool by none other than Andre. When I get back up I find him guffawing loudly. He is amused beyond himself and taking that as an opportunity for myself I splash some water at him.

When his face comes in contact with the water that I sent in his direction his amused laugh stops in surprise. I take that as my turn to smirk. After a moment of pondering over what just happened he splashes some water in my direction too. I get out of the way in the right time. But unfortunately the water meets Hozar right on his face. Hozar looks up and on seeing Andre he splashes some more water at him.

I and Valentino keep enjoying the scenario in front, laughing like drunken teenagers who have just seen an ant sing. But our happiness is ephemeral. All of a sudden and in an instant I feel water splashed at me. I look up and see the same done with Valentino. Then suddenly another high pitched laugh enters the scene. I look at Andre first and then at Hozar to see if they are laughing. Instead I notice them looking ahead, behind me.

I turn around and I am not at all surprised to see the source of laughter to be Cole himself. He is enjoying himself beyond any constraints being completely out of the picture, seeing us in this situation. I find it weirdly difficult to see him in so much pleasure, so I do what I feel the best. I splash some water in his direction. Caught completely off guard, the expression on his face is priceless. I feel exceptionally pleased with myself.

It is now our part to laugh. He looks up at us, especially me, and I detect a dangerous mischievous gleam in his pupils.

At that instant many things happen simultaneously. First of all the realization of what he is about to do dawns on me but I am too sluggish to do something about it, secondly he takes a quick plunge into the swimming pool just near me, and most importantly, I try to move away from him in an impulse, but due to being too slow I soon find myself entrapped within his strong muscular arms, which are presently holding me firm in place.

I use all my energy through my legs and my hands to free myself from his knotty entrails like arms, but unfortunately most of my energy is consumed in laughing. I am guffawing like a hyena and my laughter seems to have no end. Even others seem to accompany me, as they all are enjoying themselves, and the fact that they are laughing too, makes me laugh even harder.

Cole is also laughing behind me. I can tell this not because of the fact that I can hear him but because I can feel it. I can feel the vibrations of his chest from his laughter on my back. I am this firmly pressed to his back.

I momentarily pause realizing the close proximity between us, but I also realize that it is making me feel nothing more than giddy and even much more alive than I have ever been and so I decide to stay that way. For the first time, physical contact with a guy isn't making me nervous or scared. I am not even feeling that it is remotely wrong.

All this is just making me even more conscious of every stroke of his, on my body. I seem to perceive even the slightest of his movements. I suddenly become aware of his arms tightening their grip on me occasionally to keep me in place, his chin brushing my hair ever so lightly, his shoulders shaking due to laughter, and the movement of his legs below brushing my legs faintly.

Every small movement of his makes me feel a lot differently. Though I know he is completely oblivious to the things he is doing to me, be it the slight brushes or the mere butterflies in my stomach. I try to concentrate back at the present moment, putting all my power.

I am abruptly turned by him to face him. He is holding me around the waist and is looking into my eyes, as if he is reading all of my thoughts. This sudden realization makes me break the eye contact.

"Breathe in Princess"

I am perplexed at what he just said so I wrinkle my eyebrows in a response.

"Just take in a long breath, Princess." He repeats and I see authenticity in his face once again tonight.

I take in a long breath and wait for his action. Before I can fathom anything I am dipped inside. It is not the way Andre had done for fun, nor is it in any compulsive form of way. I see Cole just in front. He is still holding me. Before I can ponder over what he is about to do, I am twirled within the pool with a great force. When Cole stops and takes both of us outside to recollect air from the atmosphere, I start taking in as much air I can possibly take. I see Cole mirroring my actions. His face holds the look of clear anticipation. Unable to hold my smile any longer, I flash at him one of my most widest and pleased smiles and say, "How did you do that? It was freaking awesome."

He looks content and thrilled at my confession. He smiles in response and just lifts his shoulders, as if he is as innocent as a newborn baby and has no idea about what he just did. I beam at him shaking my head.

We play around in the swimming pool for quite some time when I finally decide to leave the pool to prevent cold. I see Valentino nearest to me so I go to him. On reaching him, I tell, "Hey Val, I will just go and be resting out, or else I'll catch cold okay?"

"Yeah, sure Chloe, I understand and I'll let them know too, alright?"

"Ok" I smile at him and leave the pool.
HEY Friends!!!! Hope you all are great.         Stay safe and sound.
Here goes the 2nd chapter for today. I don't know why but I have published two chapters in just a day.I hope you all like it. I have just like I had done initially...planned to publish once a week and that is on Saturday. I can't specifically point out the time of the day I will be publishing but it will be a Saturday.. unless and until it is SERIOUS, EXTREMELY SERIOUS...

So hope you guys will enjoy! Do Vote, Comment and Share if you really do like my story.              -Surls

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