Chapter 16 : 'Okay'

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"When people around you change; you find yourself changing too".           -Surls

After he fixes my hook I wait for him to remove his hand from my back and step backwards. When I find him not moving or even removing his hand from where they are, I turn around as slowly as I can manage without brushing too much of myself against him to face him and try to take a step backwards. But I forget that I am standing right in front of my bed.

So when I try to take a step back I accidentally trip. I was about to drop on my bed, when suddenly Cole grabs me and holds me tight, close to him so that I don't fall. His one hand is placed around my waist, holding me firmly in place while his other hand is secured against my own. We keep staring at each other, like this, for some time. I seem to be mesmerized by his dark eyes, whose shade seems to be unknown, but the darkness of his pupils, and the intensity with which he looks, makes my heart do a somersault, I never thought I was capable of .

When I was with Ashton, I had allowed him access to all of my parts, physically and mentally. And I was even sentenced to the consequences of my own actions. I had to bear the results of my own foolish decisions. I even had to drown in my own self pity and misery. I was helpless.

And so I had decided that I will never let anyone ever again to explore me, to know me, to see the broken pieces that I have with so difficultly collected and dumped in the deepest and darkest of pits, so that no one, NO ONE could ever have them, or even remotely see them.

I had even promised myself that I will at no cost give access to anyone ever again into my life, and let that person see those parts which I should have always kept hidden.

In order to do it all, I had built walls around me, my life, and everything that belonged to me. And seeing the past two years I had been successful in not allowing anyone to evade these walls of mine which are by far, bigger than the GREAT WALL OF CHINA, but today when I notice myself, here in my house, in my room all alone with this guy in front of me, that too in this position and in this close proximity, I wonder... if my walls... are already breaking.

I had expected myself to feel scared if I would ever be with a guy alone, but today, I do feel scared but differently. It is not the kind where you feel agitated and a dark hole developing in the pit of your stomach, but it is the kind, where you feel different things all at once, things which you know not of, which no word can describe.

I try to shrug off these thoughts that are making their way into my brain, all on their own.

I notice his smiling face and the fact that he is still looking at me, smiling slightly.

I just look at him strangely, because all that is happening right now is strange enough for me, to feel strange. It is all strange.

He lifts me up slowly and swiftly like as if my weight doesn't count, not that I am too heavy. After pulling me up he removes his hand from my waist, and leaving my hand he takes a big step backwards and asks, "Okay?"

I am surprised by his behavior and I find myself secretly missing the warmth of his hand on my waist, and the fact that he was holding me so close to him, with my hand in his.

It has been after so long that someone has actually held me close to them, and for the first time I didn't feel creepy. In fact, in an odd sense I felt safe, safe with him and in his hold. I wanted it to stay longer. It felt as if such divine things happened only at times and I shouldn't let go of such opportunities. As soon as I think so, I yank myself back from these thoughts, assuming it to be an 'out of bound territory or league' for me to enter or even to trudge into remotely.

Then I wonder why he said so. And when I realize why he said so, I blush, yeah I blush, like seriously, couldn't I do something better, I was supposed to go all Mary Kom on h...

"I don't want you to go all Mary Kom on me you know." He says while successfully managing to pull off a wide smirk on his face. I wonder if this is what it is, that makes all girls swoon over him and do anything for him.

I laugh, laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation, and more at myself, I laugh and say, "Okay."


Hey Friends!! I know this chapter is not very long but it had to be short for the upcoming chapter which is going to be a treat for you guys!!! I hope that you will feel so too! Hope you enjoy your read...Do Vote, Comment and SHARE if you like my story.


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