Chapter 15 : 'Because... This... Is. Just. So. Different.'

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I park my car in front of Andre's house. After having parked the car, I ring the bell on the front door, and wait for someone to let me in. Andre's mom opens the door and holds it out for me to enter.

"Good Evening Cara," I say, she smiles at me delightedly and nods. She was really kind and always looked forward to guests. She was now so used to having me and the others at her house, that when we showed up she didn't even ask why we were there. She was pretty in and out, and another good thing was that she was my mom's friend. So my mom too never worried if I was here.

I go inside all the way to Andre's room only to see that they are in a complete hysteria or that is what it looks like to be. Hozar is standing in one corner of the room and is enjoying the squabble between the other two boys; but it is not his mistake, anybody else would do the same.

Andre is making a vague attempt to dry off his shirt, on a table fan, most probably the one he was to wear in the party tonight and at the same time he is also managing to throw a whole lot deal of profanities at Valentino who is just standing there looking slyly and smiling at everything that Andre is saying to him.

Hozar is the first one and rather the only one, to notice me standing there. He comes towards me shakes my hand and bumps my shoulder slightly with his, in our usual way of greeting. I give him a questioning look and he starts to explain,

"I got ready a lot early and having nothing else to do I came over here, only to find both of them not yet ready. Then I went over to Chloe's place to check on her and she too wasn't ready. So I left her to dress up and came over here again only to find them in this havoc. Since then all that I have understood seeing them in this condition is that, Valentino 'out of pure innocence and by mistake'," Hozar attempts to make his voice sound like Valentino which only makes me laugh, "so he says, threw water at Andre because he wasn't getting dressed up fast and since then I have been just watching them do this," he says pointing at the mess they have created.

I just smile and then indifferent to all this, as it is not something new for me, I ask, "So where is Chloe? Hasn't she come yet?"

"Actually I was supposed to go get her, but amidst this I just forgot. Anyways till then I get over with this please go get her here, so we can leave off early," as I make to leave he shouts and says, "and she told to enter from the backside,"

"If they don't stop whatever it is that they are doing just remind them about tonight and everything else that we have planned for Chloe. I am sure after that they will." I say and start walking out. I leave Andre's house and then walk towards Chloe's home, which is just next door.

After school we all had worked together on doing something special for Chloe tonight. We wanted to bring her out of her own shell and zone so that she could open up and enjoy her life. So we were just planning to make this night special for her somehow, as it is really difficult to please a girl like Chloe.

To be honest, had it been any other girl we would not have had given a f**k, but she, she was different, just different and not like any of them. In this small span of time Chloe had already started to become a part of us. We had never allowed any girl in our circle before; she was the first and most probably the last.

We knew that if something goes wrong tonight, Chloe will never ever join us again in any such occasion, and so being her only friends we planned to do something, in case she doesn't like the party.

This time unlike in any other situation even I want to make her happy, see her smile and see her enjoy her life. And in all honesty I would love it even more if I could just somehow figure out what is it that I feel towards her and why? Because..... This... Is. Just. So. Different.

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