Chapter 13 : For the first time in two years...

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" 'CHANGING' may hurt but definitely not more than 'NOT CHANGING' "                -Surls


The next morning I wake up with my body drenched with water. I plop down from my bed to see what has just happened, only to see Cole with an EMPTY bucket, the one which he must have just drained out on me.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you do such a ridiculous thing in the very morning...."

"Hold on okay? It is already 7:30 in the morning and we have got just half an hour to get ready, do you even get that, the alarm has been blazing since so long, but it seems that it wasn't enough at all to get your ass up, and now before you ask I already tried everything I could to wake you up before pouring the bucket of water on your face and so now it would be best if you could just get up instead of further pursuing this argument."

He then having lectured me enough leaves the room for me to get ready. I feel flushed at the fact that I didn't wake up but anyways it was something I couldn't do anything about.


Cole gives me a ride to school in my car as he had not brought his own.

As we both step out of the car I notice that the few remaining people present in the parking lot, as we were already late, stare at us or rather AT ME. I ignore their reproachful stares, especially of the girls and also Mr. Cole and walk straight towards the school.

"Hey aren't you waiting up for me? How can you be so mean....." he catches up with me and saying this pouts at me while I just shake my head and keep walking. He accompanies me to our class and being the annoying brat that he is, sits beside me unbearably close. I turn around to face him slowly and with a smile portraying my best annoyed expressions I glare at him. And when he pretends to be the innocent one I indicate him with my finger his unwitting mistake (according to HIM ). He once again pouts at me with those puppy eyes of his, but nevertheless moves away. The childishness that I observe in his light brown eyes makes me smile inwardly.


One week has passed since then and as usual I go towards the cafeteria with my newly formed friends circle consisting of precisely, "All BOYS that too the hottest and as Cole remarked during our first meet the 'baddest' boys of the school." Cliché I know but my life itself has always been a drama and so I am blasé about such "cliché" that keep on following me.

Once again I notice the people in the cafeteria staring at me and my company. I had learned enough in a week's time and knew not to pay attention to these 'hawkers like stalkers'. I go and get my normal routine food today consisting of fruit and vegetable salad with a cup of coffee and along with the others I sit down to eat at our usual table, situated almost in the centre of the cafeteria. I sit in between Andre and Hozar, while Valentino sits beside Hozar. Cole isn't here yet as he went to the washroom before coming here.

They gaze at my food for quite some time and when I just shrug my shoulders off they continue with their food. They were now pretty much acclimatized with my food habits and therefore said nothing. Just then at the moment Cole comes. He looks at what I presume to be our sitting position and before I could contemplate as to what is going on in that devilish mind of his, he squeezes himself in between me and Andre.

"Hey man! What the heck? What is that supposed to mean?"Andre whisper yells at him, though it seems he isn't much serious. Cole doesn't reply to it and just shrugs his shoulders.

I distance myself slightly from Cole and move away, uncomfortable at the close immediacy.

"By the way I just heard that there is a party tonight at Anderson's place..."Cole says. Everyone at our table including me look up at his face prodding him to continue and when Cole just stays silent, like as if he hasn't understood that what is it that we want, Andre asks, "For??"

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